HoLE's 3rd Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Hole looking great. The ones in the back right though are looking stretched. How far is the light? I am glad they are all girls now. :mrgreen::peace:
thxs Chiceh,,yeah,,lol,,the light is about 12 inches,,from that one,,about 18 inches from the rest,,but I don't think it would matter,,I'm using a 600 watter,,in a teeny tiny closet where the hood dimensions is only slightly smaller than the closet dimensions,,when I crack that door it's like I got the frikkin sun in there,,hmm,,maybe thats why we havn't seen it much lately ;-)) eh,,I'm thinking maybe a lil fight between the roots cuz there are 2 per container,,hope it does't bite me in the end,,but I wouldn't care,,I got more seeds of some different stuff and totally have fun with it,,but kinda strange,,the other 2 in 1 is staying the same height pretty much,,should see some change tonight ,,as they got fed yesterday,,I don't move em much ,,maybe I should be rotating them,,I dunno,,whadda you think?

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Hi HF!

It's been a while. I know. I'm happy to see that HF is keeping you in check HoLE :mrgreen:
Hi Kant,,HF here,,keep missin ya in #rollitup,,was curious,,if you decided on the next grow we were discussing,,glad to see all is well,,hope to chat soon,,,,,HoLE grabs the keyboard,,,,ya she keeps me in check,,but thats the way I like it,,other wise I'd be a smokin tokin drinkin machine,,,,,,HoLE puts out his dooby in a ciggarette filled ashtray,,and grabs his beer,,that he opened at 10 this morning:hump::mrgreen:,,,cheers

Keep on Growin(and checkin)



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I would say lower your light,lol :mrgreen::peace:

thxs Chiceh,,yeah,,lol,,the light is about 12 inches,,from that one,,about 18 inches from the rest,,but I don't think it would matter,,I'm using a 600 watter,,in a teeny tiny closet where the hood dimensions is only slightly smaller than the closet dimensions,,when I crack that door it's like I got the frikkin sun in there,,hmm,,maybe thats why we havn't seen it much lately ;-)) eh,,I'm thinking maybe a lil fight between the roots cuz there are 2 per container,,hope it does't bite me in the end,,but I wouldn't care,,I got more seeds of some different stuff and totally have fun with it,,but kinda strange,,the other 2 in 1 is staying the same height pretty much,,should see some change tonight ,,as they got fed yesterday,,I don't move em much ,,maybe I should be rotating them,,I dunno,,whadda you think?

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
for real,,put my 600 closer than 12 inches,,I did before ,,before I had an enclosed hood,,,but the top leaves were yellowed,,not green,,I think I had some burnt pistils as well,,I'll try lowering it and see what gives,,now,,I'd like to get a quote,,on insuring my 4 firls against any heat stress,,what kinda policies ya got ;-))

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Sunday ,,a snowy day for many,,here I am with 4 girls,,they are now 55 days from seed,,,I still can't believe they look as good as they do,,all comments and questions welcome,,,hope no one got a blister shovellin today:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
hey HoLE...looking awesome.....I am so happy for you with your grow! one of my BigBud fems is a guy....not really sure what I want to do with him....I'm sure everyone here will say...kill the dirt bag.....


Well-Known Member
thxs Chiceh,,sorry bout yur back ;-( and thank you tahoe,,sorry to hear about yur male,,I would say kill it also,,but maybe you have other plans for it,,just keep it away from that top 44

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member

just spent some time cruising through your journal, good grow man.

Farm Hard
hey RockyMountainHigh,,thxs for piping in,,appreciate it,,only 3rd grow in a lil closet,,seem to have some shit figured out this time,,hoping for the best,,thxs again,,:blsmoke::blsmoke:

Keep on Growin


Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Although I'm still on my first grow, technically, as I haven't actually harvested and smoked anything yet, I have learned a ton right here on rollitup and each 'set' I start does much better than the one before. there's so many tips and tricks and gadgets and nutes and ferts, I thoroughly enjoy it all. I did plenty of research as well reading 3-4 books by Cervantes and SeeMoreBuds and I feel like it's really paying off. The nice thing about rollitup is all the archives and making friends with experience and knowledge who are willing to share. I saw a post by a guy, don't remember where or who, but he was talking about light cycles and such. he was saying different cycles for indica vs sativa, but then he goes on to say, that he is keeping the cycles an 'industry secret', WTF? What did you come on here for if it wasn't to give as well as take?

Anyway, I just smoked a blizzy and I'm ramblin, my bad bro.

this farmin stuff is pretty darn fun!

Take care

Farm Hard


Well-Known Member
there's been a lil change in things here,,I'll get to it,,here are the girls,,they are at day 58 from seed,,in soil,,under 600 watt hps,,pistils began showing 16 days ago at day 42,,they range from 14 - 16 inches,,but have all been topped,,,the first set of pics is 2 girls,,one container,,the rest on next page,,hope ya like em,,all remarks welcome:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin




New Member
What a perfect grow HoLe. They look amazing. Extremely healthy looking. :clap:
Ok now that I have sucked up enough I was wondering if you could help me out a tad.:roll:

I just got my 100 watt MH light and I am about to mount it up.
I was going to mount it in between my two fluorescents but they need to be close to the plants whereas this I have no idea about. It seems that they should be a bit furthere away.
Any suggestions.

I got this second hand only for growing seedlings and small plants and until I get a better light for flowering.

Thanks HoLe. I hope you see this. :neutral::mrgreen::peace:
there's been a lil change in things here,,I'll get to it,,here are the girls,,they are at day 58 from seed,,in soil,,under 600 watt hps,,pistils began showing 16 days ago at day 42,,they range from 14 - 16 inches,,but have all been topped,,,the first set of pics is 2 girls,,one container,,the rest on next page,,hope ya like em,,all remarks welcome:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
here is ,,now a single,,she used to have a sister,,if you look back on pages 10 and eleven,,I had one plant that shot up,,taller than the rest,,it was a girl,,but after 20 BB seeds,,from Dutchseeds,,and getting about 14 males and hermies,,I just didn't like the look of it,,and chopped it out,,bye bye,,the three remaining are the money:mrgreen:,,these are the single pics,,enjoy

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
you will have to rig it up a lil higher somehow Lacy,,not sure exactly though,,as I have never used a MH light before,,but they are hotter,,sorry

Keep on Growin



New Member
Thanks. I will just put it on the other side.:peace:
It does seem hotter.
you will have to rig it up a lil higher somehow Lacy,,not sure exactly though,,as I have never used a MH light before,,but they are hotter,,sorry

Keep on Growin
