Holes and drying of leaves


Active Member
Um experts please help i dont think its nut burn or um from the lights... its an aerogarden setup and things appear to be okay except for a couple leafs have some small holes and that dryness they cruble if i touch with my hand. I hope the pictures help.



Active Member
Looks like nute burn... or the beginning of my problem :( That's how it started, anyway... but your seems a little more concentrated to the edges.


Active Member
nute burn, im going through the same probem now but with soil. Without thinking i was feeding full strength from the start. Plants are paying the price now. I say stop all or most nutes for a couple days and begin slowly feeding back to them. Im flushing my plants now.


Active Member
i think your slightly overfeeding. holes are probably from bugs which shouldnt be much of a problem as long as theres not alot of them.