Holes in leafs from inside out


Active Member
Something is starting to eat the leafs on my outdoor babies.

There is small holes starting in the inside of the leafs and working their way out.

What kind of bug would be doing this?

I got BT for murdering caterpillars, but don't think it will help against this.

The lady at the nursery said it was probably beetles and recommended I used Captain Jack's DeadBug, but I don't know if it's safe for marijuana.

Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
u might have spider mites take a peice of paper and slide it between some leaves and flick the leaves and see if something like specks of rust falls on the paper if it does its spidermites they are located on the bottom sides of the leaves


Active Member
I'm not sure if it's from mites or not. Are they a very big problem outdoors?

There are a lot of ants around and on my plants as well.

I checked under the leaf and found a weird orange looking kinda bug thing. It was attatched to the underside of one of my stems.

BTW I used BT for the first time yesterday.



Well-Known Member
its not spidermites thank God. could be anything from a catapillar to a grass hopper.

try taking sum tobacco and boil it up strain it out and use it as a spray. spray all of the leaves esp. under every week. this shoul take care of chewing insects.


Active Member
its not spidermites thank God. could be anything from a catapillar to a grass hopper.

try taking sum tobacco and boil it up strain it out and use it as a spray. spray all of the leaves esp. under every week. this shoul take care of chewing insects.
I bt'd it yesterday. what kills grasshopperS?


Active Member
BUMP. is there any other product i should use?

or just go with the tobacco? i'm kindof weary about spraying my babies down with bacco


Well-Known Member
go to your local store and pick up a spray bottle that is made for tomato plants. It works great i've used many different kinds and they all work.

G Dubya Bush

Active Member
Tobacco sprays, while effective, are risky because of the number of plant viruses found in tobacco.

I'd go with pyrethroid sprays for all bugs. If its only caterpillars(and that is a common culprit) then use a BT spray for caterpillars. BT is a bacteria that clogs the guts of caterpillars within a few hours of taking a bite of BT laden leaf.

I used to use a lot of it in my old market garden.


Active Member
i already sprayed with bt and was thinking about getting captain jack's dead bug. the active ingredient is spinosad.

good or bad?

G Dubya Bush

Active Member

I'd never used spinosad (been retired from market gardening a few years now) but from what I've read it breaks down fairly quickly in sunlight and has a low toxicity to people. If I had some pad bug outbreaks its something I'd try if I didn't have a good pyrethrum spray.