Holes in this leaf?


Active Member
Just noticed the problem this morning. At first I thought my soil might be too hot and burning my plant, but it kind of looks like something ate a hole in the plant. I really doubt that's the case though, as the holes are pretty large and visually going over the plant there weren't any caterpillars or anything on it. The plant is also in a sealed cabinet with hepa filters over the intakes so I'm not sure how something like that woulda gotten in.

And on another note, my leafs are all pretty weird, is this just stress or something? I over watered her once as a seedling and have knocked her over twice on accident while moving things in the cabinet.



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like something was spilled on it and your light burned it.

Wait for more experienced comments though.


Staff member
Bump. Spot doesnt look any worse today.
It does Look like you spilled something on it and it burned through the first guy said
It could be a bite from a bug but you'd probably see more than just one little affected spot
But for the record bugs can get in anywhere

Your leaves look ok right now I wouldn't worry yet if they start getting seriously deformed be worried but right now just looks like you have a plant with some individuality to it