Holidays and firerisk?? Thoughts please :)

A mate of mines got one small plants under 3* 24watt CFL's in about week 6 of flowering and has to go for a 5 day holiday.
Problem being is its setup in a plywood box. with and extension cord running into it going into a power board with timers and a fan on that.
What do you guys recon we should do? I cant find much info on the topic anywere i guess were just really paranoid about fire.

Thanks RUI - Stay high :)


Well-Known Member
As said above.

If it is safe enough to run when your friend is home it should be safe enough when he isn't there. If it is that much of a worry for him maybe it is time for a design of the setup.

The cords and stuff hooked up shouldn't be an issue. If the house was wired correct that circuit will.trip if overloaded, as long as Temps don't heat up, no issue.


Well-Known Member
Is it currently burning down his flat? If not, what is the reason for concern? No one can guarantee anything, but if the current setup is fire free, not sure what the worry is. It's not like the setup knows he is going on holiday.


Well-Known Member
I understand your concern! Leaving things is always a bit un-nerving for me for different reasons. If its running now with no issues you should be fine. To be sure power it up and feel the extension cord. If its not warm u will be fine.