Hollywood Unmasked!


Well-Known Member
dood you are crazy. what is your obsession with everything being created to worship satan???? people make movies because they enjoy it or they just wanna be filthy rich.. not to glorify satan.


Active Member
dood you are crazy. what is your obsession with everything being created to worship satan???? people make movies because they enjoy it or they just wanna be filthy rich.. not to glorify satan.
lol mabey crazy, people will be classes as crazy soon for believing in god & the evil workings of the subtle beast... I guess I feel very interested in the subject and belive it to be real....
people in movies are just actors who want money and want fame, only selected people get in to hollywood after taking an oath I belive personally anyway


Well-Known Member
believe what you will. just a lil far out for me lol but dont get me wrong i enjoy a good conspiracy theory. im real suspicious of the filmed "moon landing" and i also think it very possible for 9/11 to be an inside job. the bilderburg group is also very real so maybe im just as crazy as you


Well-Known Member
Nothing new for truth-seekers, yet i'm surprised how people immediately reject this stuff, even here!!! I guess people are getting stoned and not getting high.

We can even go into how Disney is just another tool for brainwashing and indoctrinating our children (watch the ending of Fantasia... doesn't get more Luciferian than that!)

... but what's up with your Illuminati avatar?

nick the sick maniac

Well-Known Member
watched the whole video today and its all true. as a christian it made my heart hurt and i didnt feel comfortable watching all those demonic images (expecally that levay guy and that fuckin goat head pentegram). but its all true though even if your not really religious you cant ignore how tv and movies shape societies culture with a lot of more than questionable scenes and shows.

its also crazy to see how the taboos of the early century evolved to be seen as normal by todays standards. i dont even want to know what it will be like in the future.


Well-Known Member
Hilary Duff and Neil Patrick Harris worship Satan!LOL The jews are in Hollywood for the cash and easy money.Charles Bronson and Marlon Brando both use to express they were in Hollywood because it paid well and you only had to work a couple months a year.Don't give all the stupid people credit that they are some kind of planned out satan cult with a master plan.Most just want someone else cleaning their house,doing their hair and make up and raising their kids.