Holy 1.2B $ BUST


Well-Known Member
Thanks to the DRUDGE report


The nation's drug czar, who viewed a foothill marijuana farm on U.S. Forest Service land with state and local officials earlier Wednesday, said the federal government will not support legalizing marijuana.
"Legalization is not in the president's vocabulary, and it's not in mine," he said.

HMMMMM didn't wanna hear that....


Well-Known Member
tisk tisk tisk... Great minds at work... California has no money and they destroy 1.2 BILLION Dollars which could have been sold to cancer patients.... I'm sure economic disaster and another great depression is safer for our citizens than if they smoked *gasp* MARIJUUUANA! After all, the Feds KNOW that marijuana is harmful and ADDICTIVE! (wft?)

I wish I could go to the Czars house, smoke a joint in front of him, and proceed to explain how nonpolar amino acids are often found at the core of globular proteins or in transmembrane regions of proteins that are in contact with the hydrophobic portion of the phospholipid membrane... Then have him go ahead and explain to me how smoking the reefer has killed my neurons, thus incapacitating me cognitively...
And to top it off, I wont smoke again for over a month! (and yes, I have gone through stages where I'm too busy, have to study too much, and am running low on cash, so I wont smoke for weeks/months... So NO, IT IS NOT ADDICTIVE! It's as addictive as masturbation. Yes, it feels good, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna jerk it till I break it!!!)