Holy fucken gun shots... i think my base is under attack


Well-Known Member
Im just chillen on my computer and i hear a noise loud enough to get my attention. I walk over and open my window to hear it better. When I open my window the noise went away, but right before i close the window a huge barrage of gunfire breaks out.
several hundred rounds over about a 2 min time range. I would estimate 300 shots. Sounded like Synchronized assault rifles that slowly went random like a bag of popcorn.When the noise goes away i see a fucken Humvee hauling ass down my residential street.

Its not rare to see military vehicles and convoys where i live but to see one in a residential neighborhood is a first. :shock:


Well-Known Member
what the fuck were they shooting all that for?
Was it fired at someone or some type of training?


Well-Known Member
I do not know what are who they where shooting at. I hit the deck after i knew what the sound was.
Plus it sounded around maybe 1/2 mile away


Well-Known Member
I think a dude in your street has taken Nuketown in call of duty, black ops, a little too seriously lol

Total Head

Well-Known Member
they were a half a mile away and you hit the floor? lol nice.

funny related story, my neighborhood sometimes has gunshots, no one really takes notice and the police sure don't care. anyhoo, one time i had a buddy over and we were outside talking to a neighbor on the sidewalk and we hear 5 or 6 pops probably a couple blocks away. my friend starts screaming and dives behind a parked car like it's martial law (parked in the street no less:clap::dunce:)

a few seconds later he realizes he's the only one who reacted like that and he screams, "oh my fucking god what the fuck was that?"

the neighbor says, "someone got shot mutha fucka. shut the fuck up i'm telling a story"

shit was hilarious.


Well-Known Member
wouldnt the military guys have a backstop for the shooting or be firing dummy rounds? im assuming you live on/real close to a military base in the us?


Well-Known Member
they were a half a mile away and you hit the floor? lol nice.

funny related story, my neighborhood sometimes has gunshots, no one really takes notice and the police sure don't care. anyhoo, one time i had a buddy over and we were outside talking to a neighbor on the sidewalk and we hear 5 or 6 pops probably a couple blocks away. my friend starts screaming and dives behind a parked car like it's martial law (parked in the street no less:clap::dunce:)

a few seconds later he realizes he's the only one who reacted like that and he screams, "oh my fucking god what the fuck was that?"

the neighbor says, "someone got shot mutha fucka. shut the fuck up i'm telling a story"

shit was hilarious.
i am sooooo stealing that quote lol


Well-Known Member
they could be doing practice drills with blanks for when "civil unrest" breaks out and they can prepare for martial law when the banks shut down...???

nah but seriously i used to live near a base and crazy shit like that always went down... even paratroopers dropping in out of c130's into people's lawns "(accidentally of course)" or that was their excuse ;)


Exactly, when nothing else can explain it...it must be aliens. Green cyborg aliens on crack, most likely.

Do you have any lapses of time you can't account for in the last few days?

Are you feeling tender in the nether regions?

Don't assume you won't be probed. Take precautions now.

Yes...wear steel underwear with a pad lock.

Because they flew here across a huge expanse of space & time and didn't bring a plasma torch.

Those aliens better not pop a cap in my hood. I live in the south where even the grandmas are packin.


Ursus marijanus
A shot from a .22 rifle can travel near 2k's...

I would assume that assault rifles have a fair distance to their shots...
about twice that for the small stuff (5.56, 7.62x39) and maybe 5-6 klicks for 7.62 NATO. Put a fifty in there, and yer on the Long Distance plan ... cn