Holy molasses Budman !


Well-Known Member
It actually works...!

A couple of weeks ago I was perusing these forums and got interested in this whole molasses bit.

So taking 2 Sour Diesels...I decided to add molasses to one and use the other as a control.

The difference is amazing....even in a few short weeks you can tell the difference. They are like almost 2 different plants now...

The molasses fed one is larger and has larger hairs..some an inch long or more!...leaves are healthier..plant just looks better. ( the other SD looks good too...just not on the same level ) The buds are just huge white puff balls...there are just so many hairs. And it's packing the weight on faster....super dense...super dank.
Both are crystal city...but the molasses fed one seems to have larger and more of them.

But the best part is the smell...it just plain frigging reeks. They were strong smelling before..but the molasses fed one is eye watering strong.

So much so that my landlord had to put those little timed air fresheners in the hallway of our building..

MY LL is cool..he knows half the building grows...doesn't care. ( As long as your legal that is)

I'll post pics later on...so you can see the difference between the 2.. ( same age, same strain, same nutes, watering etc..the only difference is the molasses ) I have to wait till my neighbor gets home so I can use his camera.. ( he grows too but I think he's a little jealous as he previously held the title for stinkiest apartment )

It's just hard to believe something so simple and natural can make such a difference...!!

I'm using molasses in all my grows from now on...


Well-Known Member
This sounds interesting, I've been looking for something like this for a while, a little side by side comparison. Some pics would be great!


Go out and steal a camera cuz i dont think your neighbor is ever coming home. I have a raging "budd"er.(boner but for bud)


Well-Known Member
Very interested to see your pics i have a sd clone i vegged for 8 weeks and 3 weeks into flowering been using molassas since i started flowering . she is 38 in tall .


Well-Known Member
Some questions:

1. Where are you time-wise in your flowering cycle?
2. Are you alternating it with nutrients or combining them?
3. Are you doing soil or hydroponics?
4. What kind of molasses are you using and what dilution?
5. Could you describe the current differences (until you get your hands on a camera)?



Well-Known Member
Would love to see the pics. How much molasses do you put in how much water (I am assuming you do mix it in water and not pour it straight on).

Ahh, thanks someone else, I see you reckon 1 tablespoon per gallon.


Active Member
Use blackstrap mollasses at the rate of 1 tablespoon per gallon of water....mix it well and just feed it. It's actually really good...I know it causes problems in hydro gardens but never heard anyone complain about it in soil


Well-Known Member
SO, I could just adding a tablespoon to a gallon of water and the malaises would do the rest pretty much? I am a soil grow. I would just poor this directly on top and it would work? I'm a bit skeptical.
whats the question again man? sorry..

you needing to know how to use Molasses??

if so, here ya go.

Molasses can be mixed with water and or your nutrients (I recommend just having a bottle of water, and mix the molasses into that without putting it into my nutrients)
Molasses is used to help speed up the plants metabolism as well as, lightly sweetening up the final harvested/dried/cured taste of the buds.. but mainly its used to speed up the plants metabolism.
I use bottled water, a specific brand too. The bottles are .5L in size (0.9 LIQ/OZ.).. and I put in a 1/4th of a tea-spoon of 'Grandmas' Molasses' (unsulphurred) of course. Don't want the one that has Sulpher in it.... bad for the plant.

I've been using that recipe for almost a complete year now. I've used it on 3 grows now.. and they love the stuff.
Anyhow.. that's about the jist of it.


Well-Known Member
It's been recommended a million times on this website to use 1 Tablespoon/gallon.

You could use 1 teaspoon, but you might not get as much benefit as using 1 Tablespoon/gallon.

Hope that helps.
From what I've read 1 tablespoon is on the light side! Check out this thread if your interested in molasses and your wondering how much to use! HOW MUCH MOLASSES

Some questions:

1. Where are you time-wise in your flowering cycle?
2. Are you alternating it with nutrients or combining them?
3. Are you doing soil or hydroponics?
4. What kind of molasses are you using and what dilution?
5. Could you describe the current differences (until you get your hands on a camera)?

You can use it all the way through your grow, even in veg!

Combined them in the gallon of water.

I am using soil but not sure about the OP.

Unsulphured Molasses, I'm starting with a 1/2 tbsp for my babies in veg. When my bigger plant get a couple weeks into flowering I'll probably do 1.5-2 tbsp a gallon...

Would love to see the pics. How much molasses do you put in how much water (I am assuming you do mix it in water and not pour it straight on).

Ahh, thanks someone else, I see you reckon 1 tablespoon per gallon.
1 tablespoon per gallon is a good place to start!

SO, I could just adding a tablespoon to a gallon of water and the malaises would do the rest pretty much? I am a soil grow. I would just poor this directly on top and it would work? I'm a bit skeptical.

Is there anything else that I might have lying around in my cabinets that could benefit my plant too?
You add it to water and shake it up really good.

Now I have a question, those of you that are using the molasses.. Does it stink for you too?