Holy Mother of God...


I found this on a branch on the very bottom of an outdoor plant I have (week 8 of flowering and in good health) and have NO IDEA WHAT IT COULD BE. The plant doesn't seem to be hurting because of it, and they seem to be pods of some sort... but pods of what? I'm in Central Cali also if that helps at all.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea, but I'd like to find out, myself. Looks like some kind of parasite, if I were to guess.....


Well-Known Member
looks like baby snails! you should chop it.. you can see that your buds are rotting (turning brown)


Well-Known Member
looks bug related to me, but im just guessing. i would kill it though, for the same reason Nynexx suggested.
Those are dead single blade leaves, not buds necrotizing. Like I said previous, there is no sign this plant is dying, being malnourished or otherwise being threatened by whatever these things are, that's why I'm trying to figure out what they are. I'm hesitant to remove them because they could be the egg pods of a beneficial insect and not causing harm to the plant, and I need all the help I can get from insects outdoors in the part of Cali I live in.


Well-Known Member
looks like scale, not beneficial, sapsuckers that hide in ashell,

good thing is, they scrape off easily, bad news is, they spread fast if you dont catch them (offspring are tiny cant see them)

wont kill a plant (unless there are alot of them, they shit sugar, glues the plant together, course you might attract ants , beneficial, but the scales are not beneficial to the plant)


Well-Known Member
they suck sap.

(its like having a lot of ticks) (except that if unstopped they will breed till they cover the plant from bottom to top)
I just went and scraped most if not all of them off, they weren't everywhere, mainly on a poorly developed bottom branch of the plant with no real buds on it. I'll keep checking for them every day when I tend to them. Thanks for the help guys.