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I would take all grow equipment out of the house, rent a storage unit or something.
They could say something and completely ruin you. Dont grow again until they are totally gone from your life. Some people don't have any self respect, or moral values, so they will use you and exploit you. I would even go as far as to wipe my hard drive, you never know what may pop up from this messy break-up.
Look on the bright side, though....
.... at least he didn't take it ALL.
Damn man just keep your head up through these hard times. I would convince the ex and her fucked up family that this is your last grow and after this harvest your friend or co worker is buying all of your equipment. Then once she is gone and things cool down pop some new seeds and do it worry free. Sorry about all that man been in a similar situation. I know how hard this can be
Whatever you do... don't be seen, and don't leave your DNA on it. (the combination of those is probably far more difficult than most people realize)

There are incredibly vile people out there, who have spent their entire lives learning how to get away with fucking people over.

It pisses me off that this female had the audacity to bring her little thief spawn back to your place, as if nothing happened... and the thing about giving you a fresh cut key, as if that's the one she's been using this whole time, and not a blatantly obvious fresh cut copy. Dude, this has zero to do with me, but i still feel insulted by her actions (rather your accounts of them).

The hardest part is missing the same person who crossed you unforgivably, and then coming to terms with the fact that the person you actually miss, either no longer exists, or never really did. Get all that shit out of your life ASAP, and no matter what, do not let it back in.
Whatever you do... don't be seen, and don't leave your DNA on it. (the combination of those is probably far more difficult than most people realize)

There are incredibly vile people out there, who have spent their entire lives learning how to get away with fucking people over.

It pisses me off that this female had the audacity to bring her little thief spawn back to your place, as if nothing happened... and the thing about giving you a fresh cut key, as if that's the one she's been using this whole time, and not a blatantly obvious fresh cut copy. Dude, this has zero to do with me, but i still feel insulted by her actions (rather your accounts of them).

The hardest part is missing the same person who crossed you unforgivably, and then coming to terms with the fact that the person you actually miss, either no longer exists, or never really did. Get all that shit out of your life ASAP, and no matter what, do not let it back in.

At least you know she isn't very smart, giving an obviously new key to him instead of keeping that copy herself.

Change the locks, stop the grow or finish it. Stash your shit somewhere unconventional and probably not in your house. Rent a locker somewhere if you have to.
These are people you dont want in your life. Love being blind, it may be hard for you to see that. When you have to nail up and cement shit in your own home, you've made a mistake.
Correct it. Bite the bullet and kick 'em all to the curb.
verified...cabinet lock broken off...light leak...not sure if break in was during lights off....have two plants in flower now Critical Jack about 6 weeks or so into flower and a Sugar Punch that was looking real good about 2 weeks into flower,,,,missing about 3 oz of cured bud.....I think I lost about half of my favorite thing in my stash which was c99....
we are in the middle of a break up right now after 10 years together...this is fucked up.
You have a much more serious problem than lost weed- you got two people who don't seem to like you that know about your growing.
If it's not a legal grow, I would be more worried about them ratting you out.
oh that fuck is gone now driving around while my ex is packing her shit right now...I said I no not want that piece of shit scum bag in my house...he only comes here when he is to load your uhaul...and he damn well is not going in the cellar anymore...that fucking piece of shit.

Dude may come back now that he knows his momma and you are no longer together....with friends....and a bad attitude. Either that or his momma might try to rat you out to the cops for spite.

Just be careful, and move if you can, as your current location is now compromised as a grow spot IMHO.

Best of luck, regardless.
I have found that being generous and donating to those who want, keeps them from lifting what they don't have. I had an issue with my stash being taken without permission. I offered to supply the person with stash if they would be honest with me. It works out great!!

I have since purchased a new house and built a new room setup that is secure. I still share my stash with everyone so I do not have an issue with thieves.

Don't be stingy with your stash and they wont steal it from you!
I have found that being generous and donating to those who want, keeps them from lifting what they don't have. I had an issue with my stash being taken without permission. I offered to supply the person with stash if they would be honest with me. It works out great!!

I have since purchased a new house and built a new room setup that is secure. I still share my stash with everyone so I do not have an issue with thieves.

Don't be stingy with your stash and they wont steal it from you!
How about dont let people take advantage of you... Its one thing sharing your stash with everyone out of the kindness of your heart but its a whole nother story if u do it just so people dont steal from you, you need to man up and let a mofukka know stealing from you is a bad idea.
How about dont let people take advantage of you... Its one thing sharing your stash with everyone out of the kindness of your heart but its a whole nother story if u do it just so people dont steal from you, you need to man up and let a mofukka know stealing from you is a bad idea.

Oh trust me... that fawker will never steal my stash again!!!! But offering some to them is the right thing to do!!! Why be a dick with your weed when you can be a friend and help them out!! I give away more than most sell because that is how I am................ It's a weed that grows like a weed! But then again, if I was a broke just gettin by fool I might be all bent about my stash being taken.
I have found that being generous and donating to those who want, keeps them from lifting what they don't have. I had an issue with my stash being taken without permission. I offered to supply the person with stash if they would be honest with me. It works out great!!

I have since purchased a new house and built a new room setup that is secure. I still share my stash with everyone so I do not have an issue with thieves.

Don't be stingy with your stash and they wont steal it from you!

I would have offered my fist to their face. Why show kindness to someone stealing from you? I have no problem giving weed to friends, but someone who steals from you isn't your friend. If someone wants free weed they should grow it themselves, and not act like you owe it to them. It sounds like you are trying to be a good guy, but you are setting yourself up to be taken advantage of by mooches and parasites.
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