Holy Shit. I've been caught growing in Alabama and facing FELONY charges for a plant I love. Damn police got called to my place by a nosy neighbor on an unrelated matter and the snooping bastard found my plants and has charged me with more than twice the amount of plants I had. I am so fucking screwed. Now I really don't have any choice but to start my grow over and hope its ready in time to pay legal fees. DAMN! And I've got to find an Alabama Pro-Marijuana Criminal Defense Atty.Know any? I don't. I figure I'm probably going to prison over this one. Had a past misdemeanor possession charge so this one was automatically a felony. Fuck! All I can say is I am completely disgusted with this situation and say to all, Beware, and be careful. It could happen to you. And if anyone could help out, I would appreciate it.