homamade highs?


New Member

You Sparked My Interest. Myristcin, The Active Chemical In Nutmeg. It Has Potential And Im Going To Explore It.


Active Member
lick a frog asshole

smell ur own sh#t

i would do them b4 i take anything else that might kill me

please do research b4 u atemp anything i herd of people who smoke a plant and there throat swoll and they die


Well-Known Member
Sapo Or Sinicuichi In Extreme Cases Could Do That But I Doubt He's Going To Try Those Anytime Soon.
I swear the cheical is safrole or something in NUtmeg you can extract the oild and do a crude method where you can extract it ( with vinegar or something ) and you can be left with some crystalline substance. But i dont know so much at the mo is goin on and i havent been doing much research or anything at all recently, been busy with others thing. But yah u can look it up n whatever i thnk u can do something...


Well-Known Member
drink a bottle of benylin cough medicine really quick ....it will leave u wasted guaranteed i did it about 2 years ago.......peace



Well-Known Member
Thank you.

Better than nutmeg.That shit can actually kill you.And who wants to feel all nauseous?Not me, lol.
Yeah ive tried smoking it...the taste gets in your throat and nose for like atleast a full day lmao. And then at work me and my friend tried drinking chocolate milk with 2 1/2 table spoons of nut meg...Omg one of the hardest things in the world to drink that..Omg. But yeah if your going to ingest nut meg best spend the money and get the real nut meg and just shave a bunch off and eat it that way..You will trip.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Whole nutmeg is best, you're right, because shaved loses potency quickly.I tried eating a whole one.Very crunchy,quite terrible tasting.Another thing I'd never recommend is Jimson weed.I was so dry with that shit, and I never tripped.I could not get enough water, my nasal passages were sticking together I was so dried out.
If you're looking for a totally free high,(and I've never tried this, having learned about it only recently)wild lettuce grows abundantly throughout the US.Here's a page on erowid about it.http://www.erowid.org/plants/lactuca/lactuca.shtml
EDIT: Here also are some pics.

Yeah ive tried smoking it...the taste gets in your throat and nose for like atleast a full day lmao. And then at work me and my friend tried drinking chocolate milk with 2 1/2 table spoons of nut meg...Omg one of the hardest things in the world to drink that..Omg. But yeah if your going to ingest nut meg best spend the money and get the real nut meg and just shave a bunch off and eat it that way..You will trip.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lol.. nutmeg contains:

The extraction for safrole is not as easy as acid/base (polar/ non-polar) Growwwww, otherwise every chemist on earth would be sitting on a few hundred kilos of MDMA. The extraction for safrole generally requires distillation.

But yes, you can trip off of nutmeg (as it is a precursor to MDA).


New Member
Well Unless You've Got A Quarter Pound Of Wild Opium Lettuce In Your Yard The Extracts The Way To Go.

Were You Been Shepj? The LSA Soups Done And The Trip Is Awesome!