

Well-Known Member
A Few Quick Questions to better my understanding..


My plants are Homaphrodites - they budded, but also had pollen sacks and germinated themselves.. They are still forming nice crystalized buds, but are just very abundant with seeds..

*Is it still worth anything / be a good smoke?

*Will the seeds that come from it be genetically female? (If not, can someone explain the process to me of how this occurs).

*I took cuttings off the plants before i turned them, will these plants turn out Homaphrodites aswell (i.e is it genetic thing? or did i just stress them somehow enviromentally?)

Any help on this is greatly appreciated =)


Active Member
A Few Quick Questions to better my understanding..


My plants are Homaphrodites - they budded, but also had pollen sacks and germinated themselves.. They are still forming nice crystalized buds, but are just very abundant with seeds..

*Is it still worth anything / be a good smoke?

*Will the seeds that come from it be genetically female? (If not, can someone explain the process to me of how this occurs).

*I took cuttings off the plants before i turned them, will these plants turn out Homaphrodites aswell (i.e is it genetic thing? or did i just stress them somehow enviromentally?)

Any help on this is greatly appreciated =)

The seeds will be mostly female man. Congrats.The bad news is the bud will still be fucking great. OOPs but oh well. Those beans will be bomb guranteed.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yeah man now you got some seeds for your next grow and most definitely the bud will still be worth smokin'...it wont be no fuckin dirt shwag...


Well-Known Member
Sweet, cheers for the good news =)
Y is it bad news that the buds wil still b great? Lol..
Some Seeds.. Hah, i reckon it is closer to 500 seeds by the look of em.. every bud looks like a tower of them..
Might go and plant some randomly in the bush near me and see what comes from them..

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
Sweet, cheers for the good news =)
Y is it bad news that the buds wil still b great? Lol..
Some Seeds.. Hah, i reckon it is closer to 500 seeds by the look of em.. every bud looks like a tower of them..
Might go and plant some randomly in the bush near me and see what comes from them..
the thing that sucks about seeds is your plant uses energy to make seeds instead of making your bud bigger. lower yields with seeds or pods


Well-Known Member
could of been stress or could be genetics which if it is that means them seeds will be mostly hermi plants.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Sweet, cheers for the good news =)
Y is it bad news that the buds wil still b great? Lol..
Some Seeds.. Hah, i reckon it is closer to 500 seeds by the look of em.. every bud looks like a tower of them..
Might go and plant some randomly in the bush near me and see what comes from them..
the buds wont be great...like perfect or anything, but its not like its a fully male plant, it just starts to make seeds and it compromises the quality of the bud, but its still gonna have thc...enough to smoke that shit im guessin, or you could make hash or wutever you want