Home Made Co2 Tutorial


Well-Known Member
my dude makes beer sometimes and said to use malt syrup and the yeast will cook for like a month but he was making beer not liqueur. wat you think bout malt syrup?


Well-Known Member
Malt is good stuff.. Its complex so the yeast need to break it down alot to ferment it so yea it will drag out longer.. It does contribute some good things, but doesn't work well with all drinks flavour wise.. Beer making isn't about a fast powerful ferment, its about long clean ferments at lower temperatures..


Any co2 releasing device needs to be placed above your plants as it will fall down through them this way. Look at dry ice as an example. as dry ice evaporates it turns back into CO2 gas which falls to the floor...... visibly! Though with the proper air movement, it may not matter where you put it:?:


Well-Known Member
In prison they get some ketchup packets, sugar packets some orange, and some bread, put into a ziplock, warm it under the hotwater tap, and let it rip.. Its called pruno..
You'll know if it was good enough for the whole time if the wash doesn't taste sweet at all when it stops.. (Granted it will also have sugar left if you mix to more than 25% sugar by mass with baker's yeast since that would produce more than 14% alcohol)..
It should work well enough, but the fact that it started just means there wasn't too much as far as anti-fungals go.. Yeast will eat each other, so there is usually ample nutrition to get things started no matter what..
Like I said though, you don't need to be picky with the food choice, worst case scanario is you learn that what you used had too many preservatives.. (Propionates are often used for that..)


Just a heads up....I make bear...And I do this to make beer. The yeast will stay active and thus produce Co2 untill two things happen to stop it. There is no suger left for the yeast to eat and make Co2. When this happens the yeast goes "dormant." The other thing that will happen is after a period of time the yeast will continue to couse fermentation by eating suger, the longer this goes on the higher the acholol ratio. Once achohol ratios go up to a certain point the yeast will die. This takes months however, you will need to replace suger about three times before this happens. When this does happen....And here is a trick. start over...but scrap the bottom of the bottle whith all that crap...that is yeast..active thriving yeast...so there is never a need to buy more yeast...just suger. then just put the yeast suger and wather mix into the into the clean bottle and shake... the yeast will do there jobs without shaking though...it just takes a little longer. Also yeast is more active at higher temps, like 70-90F go belowe 67F and yeast will start to get sleepy... Ie go dormant.


Well-Known Member
You gotta be really careful shaking this stuff.. Even a little reused yeast can carry alot of instant gassing potential..
With 2L bottles even light stirring can risk overflow.. I usually use Rubbermaids with saran wrap for a lid.. If I was going to do a puny batch I'd probably choose a plastic Folgers coffe can..


Active Member
hi,so i´we don the mixing of the vater sugar and yeast and shake,should i just put it in my closet rigth away or what?


Well-Known Member
is co2 flameable? i have my grow setup in my furnace room and theres a flame on my water heater... is there any chance of an explosion from co2 or anything else pertaining to growing?


Well-Known Member
is co2 flameable? i have my grow setup in my furnace room and theres a flame on my water heater... is there any chance of an explosion from co2 or anything else pertaining to growing?
no c02 is not flamable.

c02 is sometimes sold in compressed tubes, that if punctured or heated up enough can explode, but they won't ignite.