home made grow tent for future scrog


Well-Known Member
well what do you know!! finally,i got my ph tester, took a long time to get here, lke 23 days. i ordered it from china


Well-Known Member
updated pic of my grow below. this is jazzy, she has been revegging since i chopped her down on january 5. she is starting to get some thick stems from the old branches. its strange how she didn't branch from the topmost bud. she was getting a bit tall on the 2 branches that she was making her new tops, so i did a pinch and bend practice called super cropping.



Well-Known Member
this is daisy, she has preflowers all over her. she is about 3 months old. small for 3 months old, i know, but the soil i started her in is not good at all. i mixed it myself(peat moss, too muchcal mag, with 25% perlite.) the first pic is of another plant start 3 weeks ago in the same soil. it represents how aweful the soil is for growing. it stands beside a bic lighter. the 1 beside her in pic 2 is one that i planted at the same time. i never transplanted it, it lost 6 lower nodes. i transplanted daisy into some ffof, and she is making a great comeback. she has 3 tops, two large middle branches, and two small bottom branches.



Well-Known Member
these are my clones. 2 are from jazzy. the third is yet another plant that i started the same time as daisy, in the same soil. every time it would have 3 top nodes, the one right below the 3rd one would be dead and i would pull it off. so i cut it off a little ways below the bottom node, soaked it for 24 hours, dipped in root hormone, and stuck it in a rockwool cube.

