Home made Heat cover for hood


Well-Known Member
what up my fellow Green thums .So if your like me and hate paying out the ass for stuff at the hydro store when you can make the same thing at home for less then half the price at the store . Then here is how i made my owen hood cover and it works just as good as the one i got from the store it helps keep the heat in my hood so it can get sucked out of my room cause before i made them heat was radiating off my hoods at about 110 degrees and now there all at 85 . So heres how i did it all you need to do is go to lowes and get the stuff that you rap you water heater's in it a shiny reflective materiel and it almost fills like bubble rap but after you have it just cut pieces for each side of your hood and tape or how ever you choose to stike it on your hood heres some pics of my hoods Albuquerque-20110828-00008.jpgand like i said it works great so good luck and hope it helps out guys



Well-Known Member
thanks bro yeah the pic on the top is the one i made and the one on the bottom is the one i got at the store and like i said when i take the temp of the store bot one its at 85 degrees and the one i made is at 80 to 85 and its help keep the temps down in my room
Good idea man. You could probably use those sun-blocking car window shades also. I use them for the walls of my box. Pretty cheap also.
mylar.. its wierd that the people making the fuckin hoods didnt think to make it out of a material that could do this.? stupid stupid stupid.. i hate every company sellin gear.. its all garbage sorry guys but everything u pay for is over priced and doesnt work half as good as they say.


Well-Known Member
I did the same exact thing last summer I went to the hydro store saw the price and said f this went to Home Depot bought the same stuff and it dropped my temps 10-15 degrees


Active Member
I like this! I have a shitload of this bubble insulation stuff. the local breeder barns (pig) use this stuff to transport semen for insemination.. lol. I got a bunch of it and just hung onto it, knowing it would come in handy some day. i may just insulate my DIY vented hoods. First ill run them without it for a while and check temps. If they are up there, I may try it and see what i can get them down to.

thanks for the tip!