Home remidies for the common cold

My daughter had that for a week, she missed 3 days of work. She passed it to me yesterday so I did my usual stint. I wear my clothes to bed, with my super heavy thick house coat on top. An extra blanket on the bed and I sweat that sucker out. I try to eat as much as I can first, to FEED the fever and get it the hell out. I am fine today except for achy muscles. Try it, you will hate it. :mrgreen:
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My daughter had that for a week, she missed 3 days of work. She padded it to me yesterday so I did my usual stint. I wear my clothes to be, with my super heavy thick house coat on top. An extra blanket on the bed and I sweat that sucker out. I try to eat as much as I can first, to FEED the fever and get it the hell out. I am fine today except for achy muscles. Try it, you will hate it. :mrgreen:
Oh fuck that sounds aweful. I hate it and now you. This is going to suuuuuck.
I'm loading up on sweaters now. Wish me luck, Thanks man.
You don't run a fever with a cold. If you have a fever you need to treat for flu, tamiflu or another anti-viral. The devil is in the details. BTW listen to malt about the chicken soup. It crosses over for cold or flu.
Have a baby fever; and already had some soup. Really appreciate all the suggestions. I'd hug ya'll but don't want to give you the itis.
Surprised no one has mentioned using a Neti pot. get one. Get some saline packets at the pharmacy....add warm water....rinse every few hours...

Apparently the rhino virus associated with the common cold, likes to reside/proliferate in the sinus. Salt water rinses will KO that shit.
I'll be right there, let me just grab my beans...
