Homegrown Fantaseeds Shiva?


Well-Known Member
These little beans are 5/5 with germination -- and in a little under 36 hours, no less! Has anyone grown these to harvest, and if so, how was the final product?


Well-Known Member
I am growing some WL seeds at the moment, also with 100% success rate germination. Mine are from their mix though so I won't know which strains I have for a while which is why it would be great to see some pics of yours. Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
I am growing some WL seeds at the moment, also with 100% success rate germination. Mine are from their mix though so I won't know which strains I have for a while which is why it would be great to see some pics of yours. Good luck with your grow!

Thanks to clumsiness (tipped over a tray), I lost a couple seedlings -- but I have a few more beans to sprout in case this little beauty turns out male, so no worries.


Well-Known Member
i hope they are doin good im thinking about ordering some soon like next week would be cool to get some nice review before i buy