Homeless honeycomb

Wah wah. Was too busy to get some earlier in the week. Think I might be seeing some Sunday. I hope so anyway!
I have used my lavatube while playing video poker! Maybe we should just all throw down on a hotel room in the area. I've dabbed out every hotel I've been in in the last year and never had a pproblem.
Finda a spot. I'm game ;) will that FM let us pull up some stools and dabfest?

I hav a chunk of this set aside for the LA cup crew. ;)
Homeless went campin !!! Worked like a dream. Testing on the Groweries honeycomb was old school low tech. Just a torch n titanium. The judges were very pleased. Now a chunk is on it's way out to the LA cup for team meds. Good job brudda
Homeless went campin !!! Worked like a dream. Testing on the Groweries honeycomb was old school low tech. Just a torch n titanium. The judges were very pleased. Now a chunk is on it's way out to the LA cup for team meds. Good job brudda

was worried it wouldn't be up to par, good to hear!

sorry I couldn't make it last weekend, got a new job during the week so it forces me to get all major gardening stuff done on the weekends, and as you could tell by my posts I was busy freaking out about changing the entire garden over to organic over the weekend. the stress from relying on my grow for 100% of my income was getting to be a bit much. every little mistake was taking a year off my life lol. last few days I've become pretty OCD about the grow and can't stop thinking about it wondering if I missed something or did something wrong, what the contigency plans would be for certain deficiencies when to add amendments when to foliar, watering schedule ect ect, its driving me nuts
Then u should hav come by. 60-70 years of experienced growers at a time can help with your stress.

In my opinion growing a micro herd is more stressful than growing a plant. Lose the dyna grow. Keep it simple while u learn new things on the side.. My .02