Homelessnss: Survival n Help

Stay away from the bottle and the meth pipe; see what your county has for help/temp housing. Get a job

Best advice out there.
Set goals and follow thru.
Save every penny. Itll be over befor you know it . Been there buddy, who you hang with has alot to it , surround yourself with like minded positive people if you want to move forward.

Hate to say it, im not a religious man.

But theres alot of nice people that goto church of any religion.

Dont trust priests tho lol have you seen the news
Best advice out there.
Set goals and follow thru.
Save every penny. Itll be over befor you know it . Been there buddy, who you hang with has alot to it , surround yourself with like minded positive people if you want to move forward.

Hate to say it, im not a religious man.

But theres alot of nice people that goto church of any religion.

Dont trust priests tho lol have you seen the news
Church never did shit for me, But God did. God doesn't live at church, why go?
I'm surviving a lot better than I thought this would be. Recruiter and I are just waiting for the THC to clear my system and I'll be shipped off before I know it.

I've learned a lot I've learned a lot I can say I have a new respect on life and responsibilities
Fuck yes

Celebration time

I'm not on the streets anymore

Just in time because
Its cold season

I'm going to be safe and warm. An environment suited to help me sustain personal responsibility on moving even further off my feet.

Would smoke a fat fucking blunt to celebrate but I can't but aren't complaining.

It does get better just gotta stick through it day by day no matter how fucking hopeless rough times may seem
Fuck yes

Celebration time

I'm not on the streets anymore

Just in time because
Its cold season

I'm going to be safe and warm. An environment suited to help me sustain personal responsibility on moving even further off my feet.

Would smoke a fat fucking blunt to celebrate but I can't but aren't complaining.

It does get better just gotta stick through it day by day no matter how fucking hopeless rough times may seem
Did you join the Navy?....