homemade alcohol


Active Member
I meant recipe's, what the alcohol content would be, the most basic to the most complicated


Well-Known Member
Beer and wine might be the easiest to make, you can find kits with the equipment and ingredients at some grow shops or online.
The ingredient kits are a lot more expensive than using your own, but still way cheaper than buying good beer at the store. it's fun too


Well-Known Member
Beer and wine might be the easiest to make, you can find kits with the equipment and ingredients at some grow shops or online.
The ingredient kits are a lot more expensive than using your own, but still way cheaper than buying good beer at the store. it's fun too
Distilling is surprisingly easy amd cheap. I wont give my recipe out but you can find many on the net. I distill 55 gallons at a time (when i do). Kimda got out of it once i started smoking mj.


Active Member
I know this is a weed site uggeb420 but this is where i go for questions on the plants so i figure you guys might have some knowledge of this too


King Tut
I've been thinking about this lately. any thoughts?
i like the home-made alcohol i have helped my buddy make. It works as a varnish remover, a fuel for many things, a commodity, a disinfectant, an antiseptic, a degreaser, a "warmer" on cold days/night, a great extractor, AND a spirit that can intoxicate.

i LOVE multi-tools :)

It tests on the hygrometer at 188-192 proof every time.

It's water, corn, sugar, and yeast, time, and heat.


King Tut
Stick with pot. One good drink from a bad batch of shine can blind or kill. Not folklore either. Read up.
Methanol vs. ethanol. While producing, simple to tell the difference. When consuming while diluted with ethanol, not so much. Make your own or trust the one who makes it imo.


Well-Known Member
wine is super easy, you can get up about 12% max. There are some strains of yeast that can handle more but about 12 is max. Beer is pretty easy too, theres lots of ingredient kits online. I make beer alot, I've made at least 50 gallons this year.


Well-Known Member
Beer is the easiest to make well. Good wine takes a lot of practice and good grapes. Moonshine won't kill you or blind you as long as there is no methanol. It's not hard to make though. You want to at least triple distill liquor, preferably quintuple distill.


King Tut
Beer is the easiest to make well. Good wine takes a lot of practice and good grapes. Moonshine won't kill you or blind you as long as there is no methanol. It's not hard to make though. You want to at least triple distill liquor, preferably quintuple distill.
A triple reflux still will push 190 proof all day long. VERY easy to do.
its fun great hobby a lot to learn just like growing...
do you want to make beer wine or moonshine?
making a good beer or wine is where you should start because its the foundation to good moonshine making..

if u need advice I make all 3.. ya know for personal consumption.. and dont let people scare you about the going blind thing.. by the time you get to the spirit run there is barely and methyl in there

the only warning you need is once you learn how to do it right you wont want to drink whats on the shelves anymore


Well-Known Member
Can distill wine to make brandy. Apple wine = apple brandy.

An old book ("The wild asparagus") I have shows how to make a still from normal kitchen equipment for distilling out oils and stuff from herbs/flowers or to make alcohol.
Ahh...in my country (Romania) almost every family has a member who makes alcohol at least twice a year. Wine, strong drinks...you name it. It's definitely worth it.
Steve Works
best French champagne


Well-Known Member
A triple reflux still will push 190 proof all day long. VERY easy to do.
Yes but you want to get as much of the cogeners out as possible. They're responsible for a number of hangover symptoms and are why better liquor produces less hangover, and why red wine causes one of the worst hangovers despite having a relatively low alcohol content.


King Tut
Yes but you want to get as much of the cogeners out as possible. They're responsible for a number of hangover symptoms and are why better liquor produces less hangover, and why red wine causes one of the worst hangovers despite having a relatively low alcohol content.
Never had much of a hangover from this shine. Don't necessarily remember what i did after drinking it (depending on quantity) lol but the next morning has never been real bad. Slow for sure and a little groggy but no headache and rarely nausea.

Sorry the pic isn't rotated.

