Homemade CO2 Enriched water????


I have these hand held CO2 air dispensers (used for paintball to blow claymore paint bombs), basically pull the trigger and out it comes.

If I fired this under water, i know the bubbles rise up and pop, but is the water not then saturated with CO2? i could then in turn use said water to water my plants.

LMK what you think bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yes. It's the same concept as the people who give their plants carbonated water, except your making your water not buying it.
dont those cartridges have an oil of some sort in them?if you push it in the water n some of the oil got in it may be bad for ur stuff.not sure but its somthin to look into before you do.it would suck if that did happen right?


dont those cartridges have an oil of some sort in them?if you push it in the water n some of the oil got in it may be bad for ur stuff.not sure but its somthin to look into before you do.it would suck if that did happen right?

Thanx smokedupnburnedout, I would be pretty cheesed if something bad did happen, so I will start slow, and definitely check for anything out of the ordinary. Maybe even just water one plant with that water just to make sure.... Good thought, much appreciated.
Thanx smokedupnburnedout, I would be pretty cheesed if something bad did happen, so I will start slow, and definitely check for anything out of the ordinary. Maybe even just water one plant with that water just to make sure.... Good thought, much appreciated.
it seems like u could spray the co2 into the water n let it set overnight and notice some oil in it.let me know how it works out for ya.
I may be wrong, but hasn't it basically been decided that for CO2 to enhance your grow noticeably you need a tank and a regulator?


Well-Known Member
No, it's been decided that you need CO2 at around 1200-1500PPM and a tank regulator combo is just one of the best ways to achieve that. The thing I don't like about enriched waters or just Co2 guns is that its a very high concentration for a short time and then drops drastically so you go from one extreme to the other. (Not talking about roots) If you can correctly dial a simple Co2 yeast based system there is no reason it wouldn't do as well as a tank and regulator system.


I did a test fire and seen no oil, so I shot a full cylinder into 2litres of water and fed everyone. If it works out I'll post back for sure.


I have used this method with success. Not anything to start a new thread about, but am seeing significant growth with no nutes.

I was using one small CO2 cannister per 2L water, however, gonna change to a lesser dosage so it lasts thru the grow.

Good luck everyone. Fack I love this.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Question, can you verify that the water is CO2 enriched? Did you do a PPT reading before and after the treatment? When you move the enriched water, does it fizz?

And yes, roots take in O2 and leaves take in CO2. The leaves also exhale O2.


New Member
wanted to add that ur wasting ur money inless ur enviroment is stabile at lets say 900ppm or more u wont see a differance adding co2 todisapate at a fast rate is sensless my co2 tank run for 30 every hour got enough co2 to do that and time? also the co2boosttheysell at the grow shop im very skepitkal on those i wouldnt use thopse inless ur in a 4x4 grow tent...


Well-Known Member
Yep leaves take in co2, roots want oxygen not co2. This will temporarily raise the co2 level by a very small amount but it's pointless really. You breathing makes more co2 than that. Oxygenate your water with air stones, put co2 into the air and use fans to blow it up from the floor after it settles, it's heavier than air. Oh and yes you need a regulator. The best thing for co2 now is the tankless water heaters on regulators but you can route co2 from a regular water heater or furnace also if you want to go ghetto.