homemade CO2 problem

ok i made my CO2 at home with sugar and yeast. im just curious but is it suppose to smell funky and is it suppose to give me a headache when i go near the hose line.lol
i think i did it right but i was just wondering if anyone else doin this had the same results.


Active Member
Hmm make sure its not molding or anything. I make beer as a hobby...never gotten headaches from it tho.
just checked and there was no molding. let me rephrase, not really a headache but more of a really light headed feeling.


Well-Known Member
It is your imagination. You would have to have a really high ppm count of co2 for it to affect you that quickly, as most people don't even notice it, as it sneaks up on you. I'm not sure of the ppm needed to pass out or feel light headed, but i doubt the yeast is putting out that kind of waste. If your line at the other end went into a bottle with water in it, instead of being plugged, you'd see it bubble up in the water. That is about the only real way to tell if it is working. :)