Homemade Hydro-Closet with DWC Grow Journal.



This is my second grow and post here. The first one was problematic from the beginning and couldnt finish it, had to give the plants away after a month. But it served its purpose as a learning experience, so here I go with a more carefully planned grow.

Now, keep in mind that in this country (Venezuela) its impossible to find grow products of any decent quality (most of the time any at all), specifically hydroponic equipment and nutrients. The government approves only 400$/year to use on electronic purchases, but you cant import things like nutrients, so I use that to buy whatever equipment I can (used this year dollars to buy seeds, rockwool and a ph meter), so have to make do with what there is to be found around.

Please keep in mind that this is my second grow (first serious attempt) and that English is not my first language


Ok, I had nowhere to grow, and because of new laws very hard to find apartment/house to rent, and I couldnt set up a proper grow room where im living now, decided to make a grow closet:

This is all homemade and I got the best products I could find considering that you can hardly find any at all. The closet is divided into 2 areas:


* 60cm tall x 40cm deep x 60cm wide.
* 4 x 42w CFL (2772lums each).
* 2 x 5´Fans for extraction.
* 1 x 8´Fan for intake.
* DWC/Drip 15 Liters system with 6 pots. Has an Air pump and Water Pump.


* 90 cm tall x 40cm deep x 60cm wide.
* 4 x 55w CFL (3450lumens each).
* 2 x 5´Fans for extraction.
* 1 x 8´Fan for intake.
* DWC 15 Liters system with 6 pots. Has an Air pump.

Also has a little top compartment to keep all the things needed for the grow.


* Milwaukee Instruments PH/Temp meter
* TDS PPM meter
* Clonex
* Rockwool Cubes
* Hydroton
* Ph Down/ Ph UP
* And the only water soluble nutrients I could find :S


Other than the fact that good stuff is impossible to find/import...

1. The temperature in my room is very high, which makes controlling the temp inside the closet even harder. Right now the temp inside is 30-32C (85-90F). Not too worry about it, cause there is a lot of airflow

2. The water quality is horrible. The one that comes through my water ozone filter has 7.2 PH and 240 PPM. My other option is bottled water, which comes with 8 PH and 110 PPM, which is what im using now.

3. So far I have not come up with a DIY carbon filter for odor control, but im not too worry about it cause I love the smell of this stuff :P.... Ill make a couple filters for when the plants get bigger

THE seeds

Since Im a bit rusty I started with 2 unknown seeds I got from a friend, which I have aptly named: Mistery seeds. Got a some Liberty Haze seeds and some OG Kush from Attitude seed bank, and they also sent a whole bunch of freebies, some look really interesting, soon im gonna try the Chocolate Heaven strain, just out of curiosity.


I started this grow (Mistery seeds) on 12 March 2013. Now, when I started I had everything setup, BUT turns out my old cheap PH meter was broken, so for the first 2 weeks I had no way of knowing how high the PH was, however I got my new meter, so everything is right with the world again. Im gonna start counting from the day the seed sprouted from the rockwool cubes (Day 1, which happened to be March 14) and only gonna post updates on the days I take pictures from the plants.

DAY 7 (20/03):

A couple of days after the seedling where put under light. Notice there are 3 plants, the third is from a seed that I had put to germinate days before, but didnt look to good from the start, so I quickly discarded it.

DAY 8 (21/03):

DAY 10 (23/03):

Those other 2 weird looking plants are Mint and Chrysanthemum flowers that im planting as a present to my mother. They wont be there for too long. The little Eggs are the same and actually pretty cool, got them in a trip to Barcelona, you just crack them open, put some water in and hopefully the little plants start sprouting... still waiting.

The plastic cups over the plants are there to protect the little plants from the strong air flow, as they get bigger those will go away.

DAY 12 (25/03):

Compared to my first grow this things are growing fast and dont have all the problems I had from a bunch of mistakes made the last time. Also keep in mind that even tho the plants are in the DWC system, the water level barely reach the bottom of the pots, and it has no nutrients in it, they are still being watered manually once a day with plain water. I just liked the way they looked in there :P

DAY 16 (29/03):

Color on the plants look good, and since my temperature is quite a bit high, I make sure to spray them with water several times a day. They seem to like it.

DAY 19 (01/04):

The plastic cups protecting the plants from airflow is gone, they dont seem to need it anymore. The yellowing in the plants its probably from the high PH of the water. Waiting on my new PH meter impatiently.

DAY 20 (02/03):

Got my ph meter so I started to make a daily journal of PH/PPM levels. The initial PH was super high, at 7.2 which I lowered that same morning. Also, started to give the plants just a little bit of nutrients (25-5-15). A couple of leaves have a few burnt spots on them, gonna assume that was from the PH problems.

PH: 5.5
PPM: 400

Day 21 (03/04):

The little roots are starting to grow fast, they have an intense white color, which make me happy

PH: 6
PPM: 460

DAY 22 (04/04):

PH keeps going up daily, today it was up to 6.6, had to get it down a bit. Also the PPM keeps going up, but I just plan to add bottled mineral water tomorrow to bring it down a bit. The little brown spots are still there and kinda annoying to look at, but there arent any new ones and otherwise the plants look a healthy green all around.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 490

P/S: Anyone have any idea why the PH keeps going up everyday. And can someone recommend a way to get it down, running out of the PH down solution and still cant find it anywhere, not even pet stores.

PP/S: Also, if anyone has a creative SIMPLE DIY idea on how to bring the temp down a bit that would be great. Im still not too worry about it, but it would be nice to get the temp down to 28C

DAY 23 (05/04):

Ph still keeps going up above 7 daily, I keep bringing it down.

PH: 5.1
PPM: 470

DAY 24 (06/04):

Ran out of PH down :S, so starting to use vinegar to lower Ph.

PH: 5.7
PPM: 520

DAY 25 (07/04):

Wasnt home all day so PH went crazy.

PH: 7
PPM: 570

DAY 26 (08/04):

The water was a bit cloudy so changed it and did a little cleanup of the res this morning. Upped the PPM to 620 (500 from nutes + 120 from water)

PH: 5.8
PPM: 620

DAY 27 (09/04):

Adding vinegar a couple times a day to keep the PH Down, starting to show a bit of yellowing on the top leaves.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 680

DAY 28 (10/04):

I made a bit of a mistake.

Seems like in some cases vinegar and high res temps can cause a very nasty looking slime which is attached to the roots, messing with my PH and is also causing the water to look cloudy. So I emptied the res, cleaned the roots with tap water to get rid of the slime, cleaned the res/airstone/waterpump with bleached water and light sealed the water feeding lines just in case light was getting in that way.

Not gonna add nutes for a few days and, since I still cant find any PH down, gonna use fresh lemon juice to control PH levels.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 160

DAY 29 (11/04):

Got some H2O2 (all I could find was the 3% one) and added about 10ml/Liter to the rez. Yellowing on the top leaves is starting to go away. Plan to empty the res again tomorrow and do a thorough cleanin of everything with H2O2. At least the PH stopped going up like crazy

PH: 5.8
PPM: 170


Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
looking good, I had the same problem with PH. A clean Res is a Happy Res! Having a good PH down and a good understanding of how much to use is crucial. When are you switching to 12/12 ??


DAY 30 (12/04):

In order to keep fighting that nasty slime on the roots I emptied the res again, cleaned it with H2O2 and cleaned the roots and pots carefully with water. After the water change I added about 200ml of H2O2. Roots are still light brown but the leaves are all looking healthy.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 520

DAY 31 (13/04):

Slime is still coming back, but slowly now. Did another water change and cleaned with H2O2. Couple of the lower and oldest leaves are turning yellow, I imagine this is due to the stress from the treatment.

PH: 5.6
PPM: 530

DAY 32 (14/04):

Finally found some proper PH Down solution (PH Down from API) so no need for lemon juice to lower ph.

PH: 5.5
PPM: 660

DAY 33 (15/04):

PH still going up but much slower, easier now to control. The slime growth seems to have slowed down a lot, so im gonna give the plants a couple of days of rest before cleaning the res again.

PH: 5.5
PPM: 730

DAY 34 (16/04):

Nothing new, slime is still growing but very slowly.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 850

DAY 35 (17/04):

Bit of slime on the roots so decided to clean the res again with H2O2 and change the water. The roots are still light brown, and no new roots are showing yet, but it might be too soon to expect new growths. This time gonna go with full strength nutes for veg. Plants are about 7in (18cm) high.

PH: 5.7
PPM: 1320

DAY 36 (18/04):

Cloning. Took 4 clones from each one. Gonna give them a couple of days before switching to 12/12. PPM is a bit higher than it should, will fix it tomorrow.

Also, added some plastic covers to the plants to protect the roots a little bit better from light.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1400

DAY 37 (19/04):

Added PH controlled water to the res. Leaves are losing the yellow tint on the leaves.

PH: 5.6
PPM: 990

DAY 38 (20/04):

A bit of the slime is back on the roots, PH and PPM seem stable.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1130

DAY 39 (21/04):

Last day of veg. Couple of the older fan leaves have small brown spots on them and the tips of the top new leaves are a bit burned, might be the closeness to the lights. They will have more space tomorrow when they are switched to the 12/12 room.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1190



Res temp goes between 26-28 C (78-82 F). I read that article a few days ago while doing some research on the slime. Too bad I dont have access to any of the stuff needed :S.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
my understanding is that 65f is ideal, I would say that 82f is your problem. you may want to try the plastic bottles of ice to bring it down



DAY 40 (22/04):

PH and PPM levels are stable. Added an Ice pack to lower res temp a bit. The plants are 23-25cm tall, some of the leaves tips are starting to get brown.

PH: 5.5
PPM: 1180

DAY 41 (23/04):

Roots are still light brown and there is still no new root growth.

PH: 5.7
PPM: 1140

DAY 42 (24/04):

New branches and leaves are growing fast. Can only see very few roots under the pots, mostly the old light brown ones. Res temp using the ice packs 3-5 times daily: 25.8 C (down from 29 C)

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1120

DAY 43 (25/04):

PH and PPM levels barely change at all, the brown spots on the leaves have stopped appearing, they still remain on some of the older leaves.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1160

DAY 44 (26/04):

Still no sign of new root growth. Even so, the plants are growing fast and leaves look healthy. 30cm Tall.

PH: 5.5
PPM: 1240

DAY 45 (27/04):

Plants are growing about 2-3cm a day.

PH: 5.7
PPM: 1220

DAY 46 (28/04):

Both plants seem to be growing fast and without problems, even tho there is no visible new root growth. 35cm tall.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1250


DAY 47 (29/04):

There are new roots in both plants, bright white. PH and PPM levels are very stable. 40 cm tall.

PH: 5.7
PPM: 1380

DAY 48 (30/04):

Plants look healthy. Some of the older leaves still have small brown spots, there are a couple on the newer fan leaves.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1320

DAY 49 (01/05):

Trimmed some of the lower yellow/brown leaves.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1380

DAY 50 (02/05):

Trimmed a couple more of the older brown fan leaves. New roots are starting to grow very fast. There hasnt been any need to adjust PH/PPM in days.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1370

DAY 51 (03/05):

Water was getting a bit low, added 5L and more nutrients.

PH: 5.5
PPM: 1750

DAY 52 (04/05):

PH: 5.7
PPM: 1710

DAY 53 (05/05):

The top of both plants are getting close to the CFL lights, these have been move as high as they can go.

PH: 5.7
PPM: 1700


DAY 54 (06/05):

Plants are growing fast, so are the roots. Still no sign of sex.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1690

DAY 55 (07/05):

Trimmed a couple more of the older yellow leaves. Plants tops finally reached the CFL lights. 62cm tall.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1690

DAY 56 (08/05):

Plants keep growing fast, moved the pot a bit so none of the leaves come in direct contact with the CFL lights. No signs of sex yet.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1680

DAY 57 (09/05):

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1710

DAY 58 (10/05):

Someone recommended a way to bend the stems without damaging the plants that looks pretty useful for a closet grow, so decided to give it a try. The idea is to apply gentle pressure to stems where you want to bend it (about 3-4 nodes down from the top) until it drops to the side, make sure to not apply too much pressure and break the stem. Hope this works

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1730


Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
the numbers seem a little high, but if its working then go for it.... when are you going to 12/12 ??

Sorry, I read again and at .7 you look good.

They couldn't standardize that whole deal?


Yeah, I thought so too at first, but they seem to like it. Switched to 12/12 exactly 3 weeks ago, the last update I posted starts the first day of Flowering.



DAY 59 (11/05):

Bending the plants didn’t seem to hurt them at all, both look healthy and the tops are already facing up, looking for light. Added 5L of water to the res.

PH: 5.5
PPM: 1930

DAY 60 (12/05):

Topped both plants, see if I can get them to stop growing vertically.

PH: 5.6
PPM: 1870


DAY 61 (13/05):
Had to put metal weights on both plants to keep them a bit away from the lights. Both look very healthy.

PH: 5.6
PPM: 1820

DAY 62 (14/05):
Removed the old brown roots that remained from the slime problem.

PH: 5.7
PPM: 1800

DAY 63 (15/03):
Starting to notice some heat stress on some of the leaves, might consider taking out one of the CFL lights.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1800

DAY 64 (16/03):
Planning to do a water change soon, new roots seem to have stopped growing.

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1800

DAY 65 (17/05):
Removed one of the CLF lights, leaving only 3 on.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1800

DAY 66 (18/05):
Burned tips keep appearing on some of the leaves.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1800

DAY 67 (19/05):
Trimmed some of the yellow fan leaves. Had to bend one of the plants again, it was too close to the lights.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1790


DAY 68 (20/05):

PH: 5.8
PPM: 1790

DAY 69 (21/05):
There are brown tips on some of the leaves

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1780

DAY 70 (22/05):
Tips of most leaves are a bit brown, might not be heat problems but nute burn.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 1820

DAY 71 (23/05):
The roots have stop growing and are starting to look a bit brownish on one of the plants.

PH: 6
PPM: 1870

DAY 72 (24/05):
Water change and res cleaned with H2O2. Going to leave the plants with no nutes for a couple of days. One of the roots seems ok, the other was a bit brown.

PH: 5.9
PPM: 330

DAY 73 (25/05):
Had to bend the stem from one of the plants in the morning, by night the leaves were already pointing toward the CFL lights.

PH: 6
PPM: 470

DAY 74 (26/05):
Looks like one of the plants is a male. Will check it constantly in the next few days to make sure.

PH: 6.1
PPM: 510


DAY 75 (27/05):
Did a lot of trimming of dry leaves/tips on both plants. Still not sure is a male, any input?

PH: 5.8
PPM: 520
