homemade mdma

thanks for the help! had some friends buy some molly and they ended up tweeking instead of rolling. meth and bathsalts are becoming the norm when u want molly out here.
I here what your sayin have you considered trying out some of the markets on the dark net?
nah id rather cook if i can.i was gonna get the glass n other shit for reclaiming alcohol anyways.

someone was just in the paper bout buying a gun off the darknet.
Implosions are a serious risk and you're going to be a few feet away watching for HOURS. Imagine your setup exploding and showering you with shards of cheap Chinese glass and hot organic chemicals. Think long and hard on that before you buy. You can cheap out on most of the glass but not stuff that's under vacuum for hours.
I thought I should probably add that it's important to have your ventilation all worked out preferably you want to have access to a fume hood you also want to be mindful of chemical odors a lot of clandestine labs are busted after the neighbors complain of weird chemical odors I assume you have experience in organic chemistry but if not it probably would not hurt to take some classes at your local community collage while MDMA synthisis is not nearly as complicated as synthisizing LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs it is certainly nothing to take lightly.
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Having an issue finding here as well. Thought we knew the cook enough he wouldn't screw us over but the last batch sucked.
i was thinking of building a lil hood. you think someone with almost no lab experience should not attempt this? i thought it sounded somewhat easy compare to other shit. anyone know a shake n bake for mdma? lol
Building a fume hood should work just fine just something to keep the fumes from building up in your workspace this will greatly reduce the risk of fire and exposure to toxic vapors but in addition to the fume hood you are going to want to wear a respirator chemical resistant gloves and goggles and also a disposable pare of protective coveralls (in link below) lab experience would help a lot I'm not saying you need to be an expert but you will more than likely screw up on the synthisis the first 2-3 times you do it. Pick up a copy of j.w. Zubricks organic chem lab survival Manuel and read it cover to cover this will help you get familiar with basic labratory procedures and techniques. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00EU...110_SY165_QL70&keywords=tyvek+protective+suit
Pyrex brand doesn't make lab glass AFAIK. If you're thinking of borosilicate glass which all gets called Pyrex then yes that's what you want.
Ventilation is essential. A large carbon filter if you have any neighbors is a good idea as well.
Read Zubrick, then read it again. That book will help you a lot. Don't skimp on safety gear either.