Homosexuality a choice??

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Well-Known Member
Nope. People who disagree are the same as you. We all disagree on many things. Your bigotry is showing.
Nope, you still seem to be failing to understand what a bigot is. I am no zealot for any cause. Except for the cause of rational discourse, which you have so far avoided stunningly.


Well-Known Member
Of course you are. Bigots can always justify their hatred of others.
Hatred and contempt are vastly different. You have justified my feeling of you being beneath my consideration. I never said I disliked you particularly, that would be a waste of my emotions. Seriously, buy a friggin dictionary.


Well-Known Member
And yet, you were very quick to label us all with the most hateful term you thought applied. Facist? I doubt you know what that even means.


Well-Known Member
No one but a douche would come onto a weed website and make all of his first posts demonstrating his anti-gay agenda.
And there goes another one off the deep end. You need to get some new smoke. Mine is obviously better than yours.
Where in this post of mine do I tell you that you are not ALLOWED to post anti-gay shit or even that you 'shouldn't?' Pointing out your douchery for making it your very first post on a weed website says nothing about what you should, shouldn't, can or cannot do. This much is clear. You are an idiot, a troll and a sock puppet.


Well-Known Member
The fact that this is a "weed site" has nothing to do with it. Explain how your mind made some kind of connection.
Of course it has something to do with why it makes you a douche. If you can't figure that out yourself, I don't think an explanation from me will help.


Well-Known Member
Seems like you're the only one with that idea since you're the only one who made the statement and no one else joined you in your thought process. Have you thought of finding a new strain?
Oh, my apologies, I concur with MP. You are, in fact, a douche. I thought the troll comments made that clear, sorry.


Who really cares people are people whether men like men women like women men like women women like men or if they wan't do do sheep as long as there partner is willing and that's what makes them happy who are we to say its right or wrong my brother is gay and i love him if he wasn't gay i wouldn't love him anymore or less with him we all could tell from a young age he was going to be gay my wife's best friend is gay and her family is holy rollers and tell her how wrong it is and caused her a lot of unnecessary pain she ever was with a man for a while trying to make them happy while she was not which is terrible people are people no matter who they lay with we as people should not judge other people thats one of the things wrong with this world DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY no matter anyone else's opinion everybody just get high and love each other no matter our personal lives now i don't think that gay people should be all over each other in public but i also don't think straight people should either there is a time and place for everything. i guess what i am trying to say that who cares if they are born that way or if it is a decision thats who they are and we should accept them either way cause we are all just people!


Well-Known Member
Hey, ma. Look at the bigots.
You sill clearly don't know the proper application of that word. I tried to have a real logical discourse with you, but you solidified your troll status instead. Had you simply laid out your reasoning for why you dislike homosexuals, this could have been avoided potentially. This is flaming, not bigotry, learn the difference.

jessy koons

New Member
If people who disagree with homosexuality are "homophobes". Are people who disagree with Christianity "Christophobes"?
People who are afraid of homosexuality are homophobes. Agreement has nothing to do with it.

People who disagree with christianity are intelligent. Does that clear it up a bit for you?


Well-Known Member
Hey, ma. Look at the bigots.
It's you who are just name calling and casting dispersions, making broad and negative charaterizations. You can't povide content or discussion. You take offence when you can't defend your points. Who began calling names? Who is still calling names? Who is reduced to one-line, name calling, Nah-nahs?


Well-Known Member
People who are afraid of homosexuality are homophobes. Agreement has nothing to do with it.

People who disagree with christianity are intelligent. Does that clear it up a bit for you?
And if it helps you, I am afraid of Christianity. But, not too afraid to face the questions. Not so afraid I stoop to labels and name calling.

jessy koons

New Member
And if it helps you, I am afraid of Christianity. But, not too afraid to face the questions. Not so afraid I stoop to labels and name calling.
I'm with you Doer, I'm a type A, First-Class christophobe. The crazy things that dedicated christians will say and do in the name of their Sky-fairy are fucking terrifying.
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