honest genetics


Well-Known Member
yeah i definitely wanna get new seeds soon, but i wanna wait for something really limited to come out.
Funny you should say that. I was just about to announce on my IG that I’m gonna let out 3 packs of my Paradiso. Which is Blue Hurricane #27 x Sin City Kush F3. I’ve only sold two packs to really good customers so far, so that’ll make it a five pack total release. Email me if you’re interested ;)


Well-Known Member
Funny you should say that. I was just about to announce on my IG that I’m gonna let out 3 packs of my Paradiso. Which is Blue Hurricane #27 x Sin City Kush F3. I’ve only sold two packs to really good customers so far, so that’ll make it a five pack total release. Email me if you’re interested ;)
got any pictures? i'm intrigued.


Well-Known Member
I think I remember you. I actually wasn’t there for very long that day, only a couple hours. You were one of the guys talking to OES wondering where I was before I got there since I got there kinda late that day. I think you had said you were growing for your mom if you’re the same guy I’m thinking of. Anyways, sorry to hear about the issue, it’s kinda hard to believe since I’ve had so many growers go through that line and report only one intersex plant in their pack or zero, but that’s just strange and makes me wonder if your soil was running hot or if some other issue was at play. There are additional factors that I can’t really verify without seeing the grow area myself. The most I ever heard coming from one pack was two and since I include about 15+ seeds in my regs it’s not out of the norm for that to happen if “the luck of the shuffle” isn’t in your favor on that pack. I definitely run my lines in bulk and check for these issues ahead of time though, I’m a bit baffled by your report and suspect something grow related occurred. Cannabis females all have the ability to turn “male” if an environmental factor denies the plants the female hormone. And there’s a myriad of things that can do that. So either something was off on your grow or you got a bad shuffle in that particular pack. However like you said you popped 11 so you should have another 4-9 seeds left the way I usually load my reg packs. Odds are they are mostly female. Nature provides a near 50/50 balance that’s almost always in slight favor of females, same as all other species of plants and animals. It’s natures survival mechanism
Thank you for your reply, It could be the soil but I've never burnt with TLO. I mix and let it sit for at least 6 months with clovers, nematodes, beneficial bugs, and eworms. Hopefully if I run the #1 again my other favorite it won't herm. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the ladies in the pack.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your reply, It could be the soil but I've never burnt with TLO. I mix and let it sit for at least 6 months with clovers, nematodes, beneficial bugs, and eworms. Hopefully if I run the #1 again my other favorite it won't herm. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the ladies in the pack.
Your plants look good and quite honestly I'm underwhelmed by Honest G's response, hard to believe blah blah blah, maybe you can post pics of the hermies and hopefully HG would replace them 'hopefully'


Well-Known Member
Your plants look good and quite honestly I'm underwhelmed by Honest G's response, hard to believe blah blah blah, maybe you can post pics of the hermies and hopefully HG would replace them 'hopefully'
It's fine no big deal, I'm a peaceful dude. As soon as I saw the balls I chopped them and put them in the earthworm compost pile outside. A few grows ago I found a Herm in some wedding cake S1s that pollinated my whole room hopefully it didn't happen this time... I hope I found 'em quick enough. I will see if I can snap a few pics but they have been in the compost pile for 3 weeks now..


Well-Known Member
Your plants look good and quite honestly I'm underwhelmed by Honest G's response, hard to believe blah blah blah, maybe you can post pics of the hermies and hopefully HG would replace them 'hopefully'
It is a little hard to believe the rate based on how many growers I know who have been through that strain. I think you’re reading a tone I wasn’t trying to display. I brought up the luck of the shuffle. That’s a very real thing in the world of seeds. It’s the same way some people occasionally get a pack of seeds that’s all female and then another person gets a pack that’s all male, luck of the shuffle sometimes offsets normal results. On a wide basis regular seeds are always about 50/50 male/female with a very slight advantage towards females since nature always tries to provide slightly more females than males for survival sake. Same exact reason why the combined human population of the world is 53% female and 47% male, it’s natures survival mechanism at work. Luck of the shuffle also goes for herms, with a bad shuffle a strain that’s proven quite stable on wide runs might very well have problems isolated to a single pack, and when that happens it also removes those herms from others packs by offsetting the wider odds.
So once again, it is hard to believe that many appeared in a single pack because the line has been out for literally over a year and a half and has sold 150-200 packs without anyone else reporting the issue in such high frequency. The logical thing to do is first and foremost investigate what is going on in the growroom itself.
Only after seeing what’s going on there and seeing clear and detailed pictures of all the problem plants can a replacement be issued.
So Bubba you’re jumping the gun a little bit on your comment. I only just had the issue brought to my attention. And he only just after your comment posted pictures. One of which is kinda blurry and I can’t tell what I’m looking at, I only know what he’s reporting. The other is an example of intersex herming and is very clearly visible. When that line does herm that’s what I would expect to see based on other examples of verified herms that have been found in the line. I go through a lot of trouble to make sure I don’t put out lines that show past 10% herming on wide runs. There’s no such thing as 100% stable cannabis at this current moment in the cannabis gene pool. Cannabis evolved from industrial hemp which is monoecious, or in other words always both male and female on the same plant. The dioecious varieties we have today are only separated off that line by around half a million years and as such millions of years of landrace elements are still locked up in the gene pool. Hermaphroditism is in fact a survival instinct built into cannabis over millions of years prior to its separation off the monoecious gene pool and also as a dioecious variety it’s still locked in. In all cannabis you can still use environmental factors to deny a true female the hormones that allow it to fully express as female. So number 1 before anything else I wanted to question the plants environment and feeding. Because the number being reported seems awfully high based on so many other accounts with 0-2 herms per pack on 15+ seeds.
Does that make more sense?
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Well-Known Member
This was one I found, pretty sure this is a hermaphrodite.
The second picture is an example of intersex herming for sure. I noted that the fan leaf didn’t have a proper number of fingers in that photo, it was missing a blade at the base. The asymmetry does indeed suggest a nutritional imbalance. However the leaf was plenty green so it’s not a nitrogen fixation issue. One of the more typical factors that causes those symptoms is a lower than desired amount of calmag in the soil. Which indeed would cause the soil to run a tad bit “hot”. The first pic I really can’t tell what I’m looking at but I’ll take your word for it. That’s also an example of intersex herming what you are describing. Do me a favor and email me and send any other photos you collected so I can see what’s going on. Hopefully you took pictures of all of them. My email is honestherbal420@gmail.com


Well-Known Member
Honest genetics, you keep saying that it's hard to believe and it makes me feel like you're calling me a liar. I am an honest person. I take pride in the fact that I don't lie. I've been going to college for over 4 years I've studied genetic biology, plant pathology, kinetic chemistry, calculus and organic gardening. I'm sorry I didn't take more pics, I don't want anything for free, you more than made up for it with the freebies you gave me on the first order I got from you. I was just trying to let you know, that's it. The first picture the one that's hard to see it's a picture of one of them in my compost pile I tried to go around and dig in the snow but it's hard there's a snowstorm in Portland. It's not a big deal just chill, peace love and happiness brother.


Well-Known Member
Honest genetics, you keep saying that it's hard to believe and it makes me feel like you're calling me a liar. I am an honest person. I take pride in the fact that I don't lie. I've been going to college for over 4 years I've studied genetic biology, plant pathology, kinetic chemistry, calculus and organic gardening. I'm sorry I didn't take more pics, I don't want anything for free, you more than made up for it with the freebies you gave me on the first order I got from you. I was just trying to let you know, that's it. The first picture the one that's hard to see it's a picture of one of them in my compost pile I tried to go around and dig in the snow but it's hard there's a snowstorm in Portland. It's not a big deal just chill, peace love and happiness brother.
I asked you to email me so that we could chat about your issues. You seem to not be reading everything I have written and kinda getting emotional and reacting. There are numerous factors to be considered including luck of the shuffle. Just because it’s hard to believe doesn’t mean you are a liar, and I never called you a liar at any point whatsoever, only you have used that word. But all other factors must be taken into account including nutritional imbalances, and there is a clear sign that there is an issue on that end that I could easily identify in the photo you showed. Like you I also have a heavy background in soil sciences and horticulture from my college years, I spent 7 years in college altogether and grew medical cannabis to pay my way through UCLA. But grow theory and grow application have to be recognized as separate realities. I have 17 years of cannabis growing under my belt, what you learn in school and what you learn in application are a little different. Part of the exact reason I asked you to email me was so I can say things to you without doing it publicly because you might take unwarranted offense this way. Just email me to discuss the issue further so that I can hear a more detailed account. I’m trying to help you out here, so take a deep breath and recognize I’m the same guy you met at IndoExpo, I’m here to help you out and help you grow and express the plants to their fullest potential


Well-Known Member
jeez that went fast.
Yeah, I hadn’t offered a Blue Hurricane hybrid publicly before and I guess people got a little excited lol. I had to delete the IG post right after making it since I was only offering three more packs and had 5x that many people asking me about it within a half hour over my email and KIK lol. I was a bit surprised and also a little touched by how amped people were for that piece of my work. And my IG following is so low right now I didn’t expect such a quick reaction either. I only released 2 packs prior to that so it was a 5 pack total limited release and I can happily report they all went to long time supporters of my genetics so that made me extra happy
Banana Cocktail grew to an absolute unit. Terps are really special smelling like sweet cereals with hints of banana and fruity pebbles - no joke!
She was in living soil and under full spectrum LEDs. Hope you enjoy the pictures as I enjoy her.

my IG is palm_treez420 for anyone interested
bc-final-top-riu.JPG bc-final-dark-riu.JPG bc-dry-riu.JPG bc-final-lower-riu.JPG