Honey B, final entry.


Active Member
Note: I posted this under the original thread in case anyone had subbed to it, for anyone else who's interested, here it is... Oh, and questions are always welcome.

Hi Everybody!

Well, I harvested the other day, it took twelve weeks of flowering in all. Harvest wasn't as big as I thought it was gonna be, growth slowed down a lot toward the end. Totals came to 83 (wet) grams of highly manicured No.1 bud (main stems and leaves removed), 5g of No.2 "popcorn" bud, 19 grams of very frosty No.1 leaf and a large pile of stems and No.2 leaf. The No.1 bud is being traditionally air dried/cured with the No.2 bud and the No.1 leaf water cured to hold me over till the rest is done. I haven't decided what I'm gonna do with the stems portion. I might try an iso quick wash and try to get a little hash out of it, but I'm not expecting much.

Here's a summary of my grow: strain = Barney's Honey B, area = 1/2 m^2 (w/ 27in of overhead), lighting = 8x26w cfls. Yield = 107g of smokeable material.

Grading System: No.1 = best quality, for bud this means main cola, very dense, covered in trichs, no leaf. For leaf this means very frosty "bud leaves," somkeable when water cured, very high THC content. No.2 = lesser quality. Bud- lower popcorn type, airy, still frosty, but also contains bud leaf. Leaf - fan leaves generally, little or no trichs but still useable for hash or oil, stems from colas. No.3 = the crap. Anything left that might still contain THC, sometimes used to bolster oil yield by giving a very quick wash before the main event, so to speak.

I've sampled a little of my crop, and let me say, this is some strong shit. Four tokes had me as high as I've ever been with virtually no body load. I love this weed.

P.S. Sorry folks, but I've I decided not to post pics for security reasons. I know everyone loves bud porn, but where I am, growing is a seriously high risk activity and I'd like to do everything I can to minimize that.
