I think I want to keep some bees. Since they're all dying. Plus fresh honey would be dank. I have a nice little wooded area next to my place that would work good I think. Any beekeepers out there or anybody thinking of trying it?
I was a bee keeper for 3 years. This is my advice from keeping bees in Canada.
- Make sure you have lots of space, you dont want bees near the house. I lived on a 100 acre farm, so there was lots of room for the bees to roam.
- A good smoker is key. It confuses the bees so they dont attack you. If you master the smoker, then you might not even need a suit.
- Hive tool is essential.
- Not sure what mites or worms are in your region, but you will probably need some chemicals to prevent your hives from dying.
- My boxes were 2 brood on the bottom and 2-3 honey boxes on the top. I also used a queen blocker between the brood and honey boxes.
- You will need an extractor for the end of the season or rent one.
- Expect to get stung sometimes.
- If you already have a strong queen, check for queen brood growing in the hive and kill any you see. Only one queen can be in a hive at the same time or else they will kill each other or worse leave the hive with a swarm.
- If you live in the north or get snow, then you need to insulate the hives in the winter time.
Thats all I can think of now. If you have any problems feel free to PM me.