honey,brownSugar,Compost,bannanaPeelz,(and more) Tea.....


Well-Known Member
So i started a tea with these ingredients.
-Regular honey
-Brown sugar (and some white sugar, just regular)
-a good handfull of compost
-3 bannana peels (a bit of banana to , like half of one)
-bunch of chopped up nettles
-bunch of chopped up willow sprouts
-organic fish fertalizer (2-2-2) put 7-8 pumps from a liquid pump bottle
-organic veg fert. (powdered and pellets. kelp meal, baked egg shells, seaweed ect) put a couple tea spoons

i jus wanted to know what some of you think about this combination. I will be brewing it for 24-48 hours. (def. guna start using it after 24 hours wich is tomorow)
should i dilute this pretty heavy?


Active Member
So i started a tea with these ingredients.
-Regular honey
-Brown sugar (and some white sugar, just regular)
-a good handfull of compost
-3 bannana peels (a bit of banana to , like half of one)
-bunch of chopped up nettles
-bunch of chopped up willow sprouts
-organic fish fertalizer (2-2-2) put 7-8 pumps from a liquid pump bottle
-organic veg fert. (powdered and pellets. kelp meal, baked egg shells, seaweed ect) put a couple tea spoons

i jus wanted to know what some of you think about this combination. I will be brewing it for 24-48 hours. (def. guna start using it after 24 hours wich is tomorow)
should i dilute this pretty heavy?

Most honey in the U.S. is nasty fake shit, kind of like maple syrup, and quality honey can be expensive
imo, brown sugar might be better than white sugar, but I would try to stay away from all 3 of those and get some unsulphured blackstrap molasses or sugar cane molasses instead.
they are better sugar sources and contain some mag, iron, potassium

the bananas need to be boiled first for about 30 min, then they can be used alone or in aact's (makes a grimy ring in the pan/pot, be prepared to scrub)

nettles and willow sprouts need to be composted or fermented (under water in a bucket, for 3-4 weeks) to be useful

your compost and organic ferts are fine but if you're trying to breed more microbes with your tea, you'll have 10x as many if you wait the full 48 hours, and once the 48 hours is up, you can dilute up to a 1:5 ratio for microbe tea because water is just a carrier at that point

as far as "hotness" of NPK, only you can tell. let me say though it's easier to feed a plant again than to deal with nute burn and lockouts, so I like mild feedings