okay this is for everyone, i personally have smoked 8 or 9 joints lined with honey, just a very little dipped with my finger and evenly spread across the joint and i have four things to say about it 1. it gives it a very pleasant aftertaste as you exhale, not really harsh at all as long as you didnt use a shit ton. 2. it completly takes away the possibility of running, canoeing,lining whatever you call it. 3. as a fact it does burn a lot slower, we had two j's same size,same paper, same bud, passed around four people, the reg j went around 5 times between us, the honey 8 so there is somthing to this. 4. this is directly to you motor boater: talking about carcinogins, dude if you havent realized i believe about 80% of pot smokers smoke cigs as well so i dont think they care about that.