Honey Coated Joint?!

Yeah I always use a butter knife to spread a thin stripe down the paper several times it helps to heat up the knife I was also wondering if I could use roaches to make oil from soaking resin coated items in isopropyl alcohol then filtering and reducing that's how I make it. But for sure I almost always use oil for joints/blunts I mostly use bong though but a little oil bead in the middle of a bowl is good stuff to

Jmayne Chronic

Well-Known Member
okay this is for everyone, i personally have smoked 8 or 9 joints lined with honey, just a very little dipped with my finger and evenly spread across the joint and i have four things to say about it 1. it gives it a very pleasant aftertaste as you exhale, not really harsh at all as long as you didnt use a shit ton. 2. it completly takes away the possibility of running, canoeing,lining whatever you call it. 3. as a fact it does burn a lot slower, we had two j's same size,same paper, same bud, passed around four people, the reg j went around 5 times between us, the honey 8 so there is somthing to this. 4. this is directly to you motor boater: talking about carcinogins, dude if you havent realized i believe about 80% of pot smokers smoke cigs as well so i dont think they care about that.

insane 559 jc

Well-Known Member
Honey Blunts Used To Be So Pimpish, Man You Could Pass Those Things Forever. Honey Oil IS Pimpish We Put That Sh#@ On Everything


Active Member
How about mixing some shake with honey...till it makes it think and herby and roll with that?


New Member
seems like it would be hard to get just right, that it may not burn at all.
I do it all the time. It is REALLY FUCKING EASY. And it burns smoooooothly.

One tip: Glaze your joint with honey a lil bit and then put grinded weed on it. Would be SMASHINGGGGGG