Hookah and weed?


Active Member
I was just wondering if it is possible to smoke weed with a hookah? How would you do it just put weed in the clay bowl and proceed to set up as a regular hookah? :leaf:??
I have done it, its actually pretty easy. if you know how to make a hookah with shisha. you can go load the bowl with shisha/herb and its really amazing!!
OMG you guys havn't smoked out of a hookah? it's just as popular as smoking out of a bong around here... but I think it gets you more ripped than a bong, but doesn't cary the great taste as in smoking out of a bong...
I was just wondering if it is possible to smoke weed with a hookah? How would you do it just put weed in the clay bowl and proceed to set up as a regular hookah? :leaf:??

How long have you smoked weed? Hmm i wonder if you can smoke weed out of a smoking device? when they make Half of them for weed and the other half for hashsheesh

Gee i dont know :P

O yeah if your smoking out of one Buy a Glass Hookah!!!!!!!!

I;ve noticed that the Metal hookah's give of a metal taste when smoking it Flavours your weed with a crappy taste...

My friends own a Metal and Glass hookah and bar none the Glass hookah kicks the shit out of the metal one.
glass is always the way to go. pipes, bongs, hookas, anything. smooth(est?) smoke, easy to clean, and usually the last to get fucked up, assuming u dont have the tendency to knock stuff over.
It burns WAY fast in the Hookah though.

I think a good combination would be some sheesh mixed in with weed. Have yet to try that.
i dunno how you guys roll but this is how we do:

pack a bowl of regular tobacco and get the right amount. then, get however much bud you want (i have done ~0.4 grams and even a full gram) and just mix it like you're mixing a salad. then re-pack the bowl with the weed-sheesha, foil it, light your coals and enjoy. it's def. a different kind of high than a bong or bubbler. but that shit get's you toasted. it's much better if you're only trying to get 2 - 3 people high and have 45 mins - an hour to kill.
I've tried shisha whilst over in South Africa and hookah smoking was the illest! I would imagine that its just as easy to do weed through it, and it'd be mad as hell! Hit that shit up!
it's ace man definitely load that clay fucker up! i like to use the apple flavour sheesh tobacco and mix it in with a bunch of the weed then pack it, foil, clay. soooo nice. i always find it gets you dead sneakily baked and then you suddenly realise you're fucked haha
Its rad!! Mix the weed and tobacco & smoke it how you usually would! Share with a friend or 2....smoking it for 45 mins alone takes the mind to strange places :p
instead of using shisha i prefer to use the herbal hukkah. the Soex brand. (I think thats how it spelled) it has no tobacco or anything. its just flavored molasses.