Horrible Infestation. What kind of bugs? *PICS INSIDE*


Well-Known Member
Alright Me and my dad were looking at his Cantaloupes and honey dew melon plants and I saw webbing in the foliage then saw this leaf among others that looked like it......Made my skin crawl..... It had a bunch of little bugs on it some weren't moving some were moving, there were what looked like 2 tiny caterpillars among all the tiny bugs... Horrible I have never seen a plant that covered in bugs....

Detailed close up here


Well-Known Member
I looked it up and those little orange ones with the little spikes on their butts are aphids

I could not find a single picture of a mite that has two horns on its rear end. looked up aphid and bam Horns and round bodies just like the pic

not orange ones I mean those round brown and translucent brown ones with horns sorry


Well-Known Member
the little brown ones are aphids for sure. i hate em they screwed my garden this year. took total control of my corn and green beans. i couldnt stop them. i found out after the fact why. i have ALOT of ants in my backyard, and i guess some ants actually farm aphids for food. they will find, herd, and keep watch over them while they eat and breed. ants will even move aphids from place to place on plants after the aphids have eaten all of a certain area. on top of that they will attack and kill any predators trying to feed on the aphids like ladybugs. try and get some neem oil and spray it on the plants, it should take care of them and put a few ant steaks around too


Well-Known Member
Those are white flies jpeg. There might be some other bugs in there as well, but for the most part it is a white fly infestation. I had one last year that decimated my Green Ribbon. If you have gotten the black sooty mold, it is probably too late for your girl. Clip off as many of the infested leaves as possible and spray the rest, being very careful if you are in flower. Here is a link and here are a few pics of mine from last year. The slime you see isn't bug spray - it is the honeydew from the damn larvae.




Well-Known Member
Those are white flies jpeg. There might be some other bugs in there as well, but for the most part it is a white fly infestation. I had one last year that decimated my Green Ribbon. If you have gotten the black sooty mold, it is probably too late for your girl. Clip off as many of the infested leaves as possible and spray the rest, being very careful if you are in flower. Here is a link and here are a few pics of mine from last year. The slime you see isn't bug spray - it is the honeydew from the damn larvae.


I don't know if you read the thread or not but they were not on my plants and def weren't infesting marijuana plants. Also they are indeed aphids. Whitefly larvae do not have 2 black spines on their butts like these little buggers do as I said in an earlier post. Those little black horns is a dead give away for aphids. also at no point at all were the leaves ever covered in mucus like that either.

Those plants are long gone anyway, I was just trying to identify the bugs at the time

I looked up whitefly larvae and can see how you can mistake them for aphids the larve and aphids look very very similar but aphids move much faster and have little horns on them.

After looking again I see the little white things that leads you to believe white flies, and makes the aphids look like larve. There probably were whiteflies on there but the main infestation was aphids


Well-Known Member
I've had to deal with those little pest a few time on my farm, what you have is a serious Melon Aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover) infestation, The best natural treatment I find is to spray the whole plant with a solution of 5ml/liter of rosemary oil, neem oil would be the second best solution in case you can't find rosemary oil.