Well-Known Member
Totally get discreet have family in Arkansas a joint will get ya jail time up ta a year so grow probably year 2 in state pin. As you know ig is the wildwest sorta, if I just got jacked by ip server after bustn my ass to get my company up an going then have tones of people bash an talk trash id be less then polite to an irate customer demanding answers not saying you was like that at all but you were probably the last straw that had him snap.Ill use them again they have amazing bean selection forsure. But to each his own GLG is good as well.With all the snitches these days, ip logging, and shady things going on I have every right to be concerned about my name and address being known.
Business owner put it out there he was hacked. And then criticizes his in customers for being concerned.
If he would have just apologized it explained it further I probably wouldn't be pissed.
If it's no big deal how come it's an encrypted order page to begin with. You guys are missing the point.
I like my down low to be really dooooown looow.