Horse meat in european beef

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Pretty nasty since they were most likely "sick and old" horses.

The 2013 meat adulteration scandal is an ongoing event referring to foods labelled as containing beef sold in Europe, which contain unlisted horse meat—as much as 100% of the meat content[SUP][1][/SUP] in some cases—and other unspecified types of meats, such as pork.[SUP][2][/SUP] The issue came to light on 15 January 2013, when it was reported that horse DNA had been discovered in frozen beefburgers sold at several British and Irish supermarkets.

Source of adulteration
The horse meat is thought to have originated in a Romanian abattoir, which delivered the meat to a trader in the Netherlands subcontracted by a Cypriot trader. The Dutch trader then sold the frozen meat to Spanghero,[SUP][36][/SUP] who then sent it to Comigel, where the end products for sale were made.[SUP][23][/SUP] According to French media reports, Spanghero falsified documents regarding the meat, which may have come from old and sick horses[SUP][37][/SUP] and was deemed unfit for human consumption. Despite this it[SUP][vague][/SUP] was sent from Ireland to Romania for processing.[SUP][citation needed]

Check out the wikipedia page for more info, but it seems like its just one or two companys that knowingly added the horse tissue.:sad:
I'll never understand this one .... Horse meat is very good, it's also more healthy for you than beef or bison and less gamy than elk/deer. People will eat rabbit, but not rat.... Both rodents; or lobster, but not cockroaches... The big difference between the two is where you harvest them. (They're kissing cousins, species-wise.)

People act disgusted by other people eating dogs, horse, cats... But the eat bacon! Seriously, one of the worst cuts off one of the most filthy creatures served as "food," but are disgusted by eating a horse.

Of course, if the meat was not food grade, than it's disgusting that it's been allowed into the supply chain!
I thought I was starting to walk a bit funny. Had a Findus lasagne last night, not too stable in my stomach and now I've got the trots !!
They legalized using horse meat in the US a couple of years ago. So many people just abandoned their horses when they could no longer afford them, after the economic collapse. After watching shows like Food, Inc. and Farmageddon, It's getting harder for me to eat meat all together.
honestly though it confuses me why you can eat the meat of one animal and thats fine but eat a cat or a horse then oh no oh shit thats disgusting!
I don't think it's the fact that the meat in these products contain horse meat it's the fact that they lead us to believe its beef, for gods sake no wonder we are all getting cancer eating horse meat that only used to be used in cat and dog food. I have gone right off meat and have never eaten shop bought lasagne anyway, but this is terrible not knowing what we are eating you just can't trust anybody.
Grass-fed without any antibiotics or hormones injected into the animal and any meat should be good to eat. But who needs meat anyways, plenty of other sources have more protein, and they're less acidic. Talkin bout dat high nutrient, low calorie diet.
I don't think it's the fact that the meat in these products contain horse meat it's the fact that they lead us to believe its beef, for gods sake no wonder we are all getting cancer eating horse meat that only used to be used in cat and dog food. I have gone right off meat and have never eaten shop bought lasagne anyway, but this is terrible not knowing what we are eating you just can't trust anybody.

Exactly, If it was labeled horse meat this wouldnt be an issue with me at all. And some of the 100% beef product had pig in it. wich some religous folk dont eat, but now have. If i lived in these places i would be sick to my stomach. Like i said these were most likely sick and neglected horses.
They legalized using horse meat in the US a couple of years ago. So many people just abandoned their horses when they could no longer afford them, after the economic collapse. After watching shows like Food, Inc. and Farmageddon, It's getting harder for me to eat meat all together.

I haven't seen the documentaries you speak of. I can only imagine. And I really can imagine - I think all sorts of bad things about our modern food industry, and not just meat. It gets overwhelming and depressing real quick. Mostly, I try to live in denial and lean towards "healthy" and usually fail miserably. When things improve for us, my diet will follow (I hope).

I don't see what is wrong with eating horse if you're going to eat meat. I've never tried it. But if I buy a package labeled 100% beef, I expect 100% beef. Buffalo should be buffalo, and reindeer sausage should have reindeer.