Horses and Cows

Im growing a plant outdoors atm in a paddock and just recently the land got rented to some horse owners. There are 4 horses atm will they eat my plant ? I mean there is alot of grass in the paddock but if they come across my plant wud they ravage that shit ?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Not sure if they would eat it or not. You might find it on the ground with a hoof print on it though.


Well-Known Member
Im sure those fuckers will nibble on anything, they might not chew it and swallow but if they come across it they might nibble no doubt. Best bet is to set up a little permimeter around the plant with some wood and wire or something. Hope you dont loose your baby, I lost many to a snake way back....and I dont mean the reptile


Well-Known Member
They will definatly eat your plants man they love the stuff. my mum keeps horses and once i was moving some plants and i left them in the field with them for only a minute and they were chomping on them.luckily i caught them before they done to much damage!