Hotboxing [notblunts] Your Grow Room



I was wondering, if at any time during a plants growth would it be a bad thing to have my entire room [including my grow closet, always open + 24 hour lighting] smokey and hard to see through? lolbongsmilie

Because I toke a lot, and usually in my room, very close to my almost seedlings, and thought it'd be good for future reference lol:weed:

PS: I have this as well:
[they took the site i bought it from down]!_W0QQitemZ270405209356QQcmdZViewItem


Well-Known Member
i have my room/grow room lol .. no one i live with minds so my plants are around smoke for most there lives i dont see why it would be a problem


Well-Known Member
If it's really smokey some of your lights and fans may get coated with ash and resin. It happens real bad in my computer.


Active Member
Plants don't like the smoke. Smoke has a bunch of particles that the plant absorbs into its leaves and hates. It does like the co2 in your breath with that smoke though.


Well-Known Member
you will scar your babies for life. how would you like it if i smoked a human being around you ?


Well-Known Member
i have my room/grow room lol .. no one i live with minds so my plants are around smoke for most there lives i dont see why it would be a problem
the smoke stiffles their breathing and in turn will effect rate of growth. it doesnt make them sick, it just slows down the photosynthesis process...:joint:


New Member
Every book, documentary, and growing tutorial will tell you that smoking cigarettes around them can get them sick. Blowing cigarette smoke in the grow room definitely will. May even kill em.
BUT....marijuana smoke will not defect growth in anyway whatsoever. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to sound smart. (In example: all posts above me (especially the on directly above))
I close the door to my grow room n hotbox the shit out of em till the room is filled with dense smoke every single day at 420 and whenever I can't sleep at night. Don't leave the door closed more than 5 or 10 mins tho so I don't suffocate the babies. But since I'm in there breathing in oxygen and whaling CO2 while they're doing the opposite, I think we could both last quite a while together. Still not gonna risk it tho.

Point is, smoke away. Not gonna hurt em. Just no tobacco n if you close the door to hotbox like I do, keep it short n get the door back open for circulation.

I also have a small theory of resin sticking to the flowers. If it can stick to my bong I don't see why it wouldn't stick to the fresh trichomes. Just not sure if it would absorb it and store it making it more potent, or absorb it and break it down for food or just to get rid of it. But who knows.


Well-Known Member
Some people never cease to amaze me....

If you think smoke is good for ANYTHING you might need to find someone to make all life decisions for you.


Well-Known Member
Every book, documentary, and growing tutorial will tell you that smoking cigarettes around them can get them sick. Blowing cigarette smoke in the grow room definitely will. May even kill em.
BUT....marijuana smoke will not defect growth in anyway whatsoever. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to sound smart.
Since you have proceeded to bash some senior members of the site, would you kindly provide the scientific backing that brings you to your conclusions that makes them wrong?




Well-Known Member
I know ciggy smoke will kill plants, I've done it. Cannabis smoke, I don't know, never experimented with it. But I can't image that any combustion smoke would be good for plants.


New Member
well as long as your running a carbon filter strong enough to handle your smoke and your plants and changing them out once worn out and not directly smoking on them i would imagine it wouldn't be the worst, however it would far from be good, you want a clean grow area, do you want your children growing in filth? probably not but children will still grow in filth they just wont reach their full potential i would imagine. but if your going to smoke in there regardless i would add a carbon filter to the area of your room where you smoke around to lessen the blow at the least.

i am aware of the age of this however i just wished to state my opinion regardless as others have :)