Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Quit being a whiny little bitch dude, really. It doesn't matter how long I've been on these stupid forums, I have the right to say whatever the hell I want. Now I see why you're taking this so personal, because your plants were garbage. That's a pathetic excuse to have an attitude... Clean up your attitude and learn how to spell and use proper punctuation or your life will end up just like your last grow. SHIT!.. GO FUCK YOURSELF FAG!
Ha ha I would love to see your Charlie Brown Christmas trees that you probably grow! You have no rep on here nor do you have any grow pic's of anything you have acomplished! Your first post was a dumbass one anyway! Who gets onto a site to read about growing and check out other peoples grows and then says a thread it to long? And this is also a pot growers website, spelling isn't important here bro growing weed is!


Buddy, If you take pride in how many times you've posted in a stupid internet forum, it's really time to get a life. My first post was "to the point" and not insulting. It's supposed to be a educational journal not a personal diary. I don't grow but I am interested in it, which is why I'm doing research. Oh, I can show you pictures of accomplishments but They are not stupid fucking plants! LMAO!


Well-Known Member
Buddy, If you take pride in how many times you've posted in a stupid internet forum, it's really time to get a life. My first post was "to the point" and not insulting. It's supposed to be a educational journal not a personal diary. I don't grow but I am interested in it, which is why I'm doing research. Oh, I can show you pictures of accomplishments but They are not stupid fucking plants! LMAO!
Alright now you pissed me off you fucking retard. Do us a favor & never post again on RUI. THIS IS WHERE YOU POST PICTURES OF YOUR PLANTS BECAUSE THEY ARE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Obviously your lost so kick rocks. douche


Well-Known Member
Buddy, If you take pride in how many times you've posted in a stupid internet forum, it's really time to get a life. My first post was "to the point" and not insulting. It's supposed to be a educational journal not a personal diary. I don't grow but I am interested in it, which is why I'm doing research. Oh, I can show you pictures of accomplishments but They are not stupid fucking plants! LMAO!
I understand ur logic as this is also just a hobby to me, i work(doing a public service job, to help fagits like you), im getting married, buying a house, there is so many things on my plate than i come home look at the fourm based on a hobby where i meet friends not dicks who say wow good job and hey keep up the good work, you might of not been insulting but your logic is off bro, i would understand u calling my plants shit a insult, but first of all this isnt my job im not a drug dealer, i grow my own meds so i dont have to buy them, and second of all ur not smoking them why the fuck do u care if there shit. if u dont like our response to ur dick attitude than fucking leave or be nice and respectful to people and u might get treated like it in return.


I understand ur logic as this is also just a hobby to me, i work(doing a public service job, to help fagits like you), im getting married, buying a house, there is so many things on my plate than i come home look at the fourm based on a hobby where i meet friends not dicks who say wow good job and hey keep up the good work, you might of not been insulting but your logic is off bro, i would understand u calling my plants shit a insult, but first of all this isnt my job im not a drug dealer, i grow my own meds so i dont have to buy them, and second of all ur not smoking them why the fuck do u care if there shit. if u dont like our response to ur dick attitude than fucking leave or be nice and respectful to people and u might get treated like it in return.
Dude, I have nothing against anything you're doing and honestly I like your set-up's and pictures. The only thing I was complaing about is the length of this thread... THAT'S IT!.. I don't think your plants are shit... I actually found the pic's you were talking about and they look nice, although you wanted more yield... Maybe I was a little blunt, and to be honest, my life is kinda uncertain right now, so... Here I go making this thread even longer, <sigh>. I was irritated about how long this thread is , but now I can see ALL of them are really long... Yep, I was in a bad mood because of everything going on in my life and I guess it showed in my first post. Sorry dude. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Dude, I have nothing against anything you're doing and honestly I like your set-up's and pictures. The only thing I was complaing about is the length of this thread... THAT'S IT!.. I don't think your plants are shit... I actually found the pic's you were talking about and they look nice, although you wanted more yield... Maybe I was a little blunt, and to be honest, my life is kinda uncertain right now, so... Here I go making this thread even longer, <sigh>. I was irritated about how long this thread is , but now I can see ALL of them are really long... Yep, I was in a bad mood because of everything going on in my life and I guess it showed in my first post. Sorry dude. Keep it up!
See now thats the kind of attitude more than welcome here, yes it is long but that means its active.

what i have learned dude just read the first page than any other after that just stop at the pic and read real quick, u'll get tons of info and learn so much. with out dealing with the length any grow on here that is long usually is a good one, this one a little crazy and yes maybe not some huge buds but this is my 3rd batch of plants so im just a beg.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
See now thats the kind of attitude more than welcome here, yes it is long but that means its active.

what i have learned dude just read the first page than any other after that just stop at the pic and read real quick, u'll get tons of info and learn so much. with out dealing with the length any grow on here that is long usually is a good one, this one a little crazy and yes maybe not some huge buds but this is my 3rd batch of plants so im just a beg.
well said bro :)

most of the threads are like that on here coz theres quite a few like minded people on here. our lives dont revolve around forums but its nice to come once a day and chat some stoned rubbish with friends :)

keep the vibe of ur last thread hypr004 and u will be welcomed around these parts :)

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Buddy, If you take pride in how many times you've posted in a stupid internet forum, it's really time to get a life. My first post was "to the point" and not insulting. It's supposed to be a educational journal not a personal diary. I don't grow but I am interested in it, which is why I'm doing research. Oh, I can show you pictures of accomplishments but They are not stupid fucking plants! LMAO!
Glad you are comming around. if you are thinking about growing then this is the BEST site to learn from. After reading your post below this I hope you have fun growing and to tell ya the truth most people are here to help so stick around and you can learn a shitload of stuff here. I have learned 90% from this site.


Well-Known Member
Well said Las and Howard, most of the info. we all learn is from each other. its a communtiy i like to log into and bullshit about a topic you really cant discuss in normal life.

Yea im a medical patient, but ya i work for the goverment, so this is my secret hiding spot( my bat lair) i call it.

Oh on the good news just bought some Blue Haze and about to fire a bowl, fuck i have a hangover and to much driving this morning. was up at 4:30am to drive 4 hours to see my bro in rehab so i make it there at 9am and left at 1200 so a lot of driving for a little pleasure to spend time with my bro.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well said Las and Howard, most of the info. we all learn is from each other. its a communtiy i like to log into and bullshit about a topic you really cant discuss in normal life.

Yea im a medical patient, but ya i work for the goverment, so this is my secret hiding spot( my bat lair) i call it.

Oh on the good news just bought some Blue Haze and about to fire a bowl, fuck i have a hangover and to much driving this morning. was up at 4:30am to drive 4 hours to see my bro in rehab so i make it there at 9am and left at 1200 so a lot of driving for a little pleasure to spend time with my bro.
I hope your brother is good and I hope he has reached the point where he wants to change. Not saying your bro was into serious drugs but I am glad I never got into the real bad drugs!


Well-Known Member
I hope your brother is good and I hope he has reached the point where he wants to change. Not saying your bro was into serious drugs but I am glad I never got into the real bad drugs!
Ya he was in for pills and he wanted to stop and asked for help im glad he realized at 22 than at 40 with kids and a wife. He has 2 more weeks than he is back home, im excited for him to come home. He is like my best friend and It doesnt feel right with him gone.

but i know its for the best and he will be better from it, and i know what u mean im glad that i never did either.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Ya he was in for pills and he wanted to stop and asked for help im glad he realized at 22 than at 40 with kids and a wife. He has 2 more weeks than he is back home, im excited for him to come home. He is like my best friend and It doesnt feel right with him gone.

but i know its for the best and he will be better from it, and i know what u mean im glad that i never did either.
Yeah bro pills are the fucking devil! Get his ass medical and he can stick to MMJ or maybe best if he does nothing. But I do hope that your brother can stay away from those fucking pills! I hate when people get down on MMJ but they think the synthetic heroin is ok just because a doctor perscibes it! It is funny to me that people think pills are better and not MMJ!


Well-Known Member
I know i always say if god grew it than fuck it ill smoke it, but if its man-made fuck that dont touch it.


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up dident really have a chance to look through all the pages and pics but saw some. I like the journal. When you flowered with the 1000w HPS what did you yield per plant?


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up dident really have a chance to look through all the pages and pics but saw some. I like the journal. When you flowered with the 1000w HPS what did you yield per plant?
Well that all depends on your set-up bro, and if everything is perfect, lol.

Im sure its a range anywhere from 1-3 oz per plant in the gallon size i use for the pots. also a big factor is strain also

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey whats up dident really have a chance to look through all the pages and pics but saw some. I like the journal. When you flowered with the 1000w HPS what did you yield per plant?
Yeah HP is right, yeild has so many different factors just to name a few is Pot size, nutes used, Topped, fim'd, LST, how tall plant was when switched, Strain, PH, any stress or disease, water used, hydro vs soil. There are so many different things that can change your yeild.


Well-Known Member
LOL either i am still ripped from last night or maybe you guys took one to many tokes haha just kiddingl i was asking hotphire what he yielded on each of his plants?


Well-Known Member
Beautiful grow man! +rep for the gardenbot link...wish I had money and time for that project. +sub

Edit: Are you still using lady bugs? how are they?


Well-Known Member
LOL either i am still ripped from last night or maybe you guys took one to many tokes haha just kiddingl i was asking hotphire what he yielded on each of his plants?
Oh sorry bud i average a little over a ounce per plant, but with my new set-up im expecting big hopes the redneck over the last day or so has been looking good and expecting about 2oz on that one. maybe 3 if they fill out but i dont see that happening lol.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful grow man! +rep for the gardenbot link...wish I had money and time for that project. +sub

Edit: Are you still using lady bugs? how are they?
Well i am looking to get more once i get a filter set-up but for right now i dont have any, i moved into a new grow area.

So my set-up is a lot different and im not going to be LST at all, i want to see how much i yeild with just leaving the plants to grow naturally and not top or anything.

Also using different pot size this go around.