House and garden coco nutes for promix.? Am I dumb or is my boss?


Active Member
The facility is showing lock out in flower rooms nitro toxic. I’m really wondering if coco a and b is complete and I can run them w/ drip clean and a pk booster weeks 4 and 5.


Well-Known Member
I have no hands on with those nutes. You could toss them in my calculator and see how the numbers fair.


Active Member
Target ec anyone? I’m literally taking over post flip with very little information on the plants uptake to this point the girls were swazzied last Feed tomorrow day 3 flower.
20 gallon plastic containers doubled ended fixtures with cmh and co2 daytime temps 80 nighttime 70 w/ humidity floating around 40 percent.

Coco a and b h & g
Drip clean
Bud xl
Top booster

Possibly pro tek
I will also swing ph down and shoot for 5.9 - 6.1 root zone ph


Active Member
I’m thinking that I’d like to hit them at 1.8 - 1.9 ec maybe maxing out at 2.1-2.2 ec tops holding there through week four then phasing back.
When dropped my ec should I drop the strength of my base nutrients or additives?


Active Member
Labels percent? I’ve studied the label and can’t find any kind of analysis..... please point in the right direction as to where you sourced this info


Active Member
There base nutes can do it all is the consensus I understand and they don’t list the total analysis on the bottles.... obviously we do see the macros but there has to be more micro in there?


Well-Known Member
If you know what you are targeting for PPM's on your elements then you can use the label percentages and calculate whats going on, my calculator does this for you, but you do have to enter the products the first time since I didn't put those in there.


Well-Known Member
There base nutes can do it all is the consensus I understand and they don’t list the total analysis on the bottles.... obviously we do see the macros but there has to be more micro in there?
Most products show everything. GH for example... check their micro.