House got raided.


Active Member
So about a month ago my house got raided due to nosey neighbors. I have my doctors recommendation and all my plants were under the legal limit, and i had under the legal limit of dried medicine for the county in california that i live in. So they confiscated all my lights, fans, plants, dried meds, fans, etc. They called me back a few days later saying no charges were going to be pressed.

My next question would be do i get all my equipment back? Or would it still be considered evidence even though no charges were pressed? If someone could help me out that would be great. Thanks!


Active Member
Just a guess here but if no crimes were commited you should get your stuff back. I would contact the station or investigating officer, after a certain time frame they may keep it.

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
The same thing happened to me in Oregon, the cops took off with all my medical grow equipment. I kept calling the detective in charge of the case and left a bunch of messages but he wouldn't return my calls. I guess he was pissed I was legally growing. I got no notice of forfeiture, but apparently the police dept. "destroyed" the equipment because it had been a few months. Probably brought it home to grow themselves. Call the police dept. and find out who is in charge of your case and ask if you can have your stuff back. You have nothing to lose by calling and asking.


Well-Known Member
What fdd said... a friend at another site had a fire (not pots fault) and they found a grow ..took everything but gave back equipment.. and the person is not legal either..**** grow lights/equip. is not illegal****..
Damn here they advertise aerogardens on TV at our Countries biggest hardware store... they just don't say "pot"..


Well-Known Member
What fdd said... a friend at another site had a fire (not pots fault) and they found a grow ..took everything but gave back equipment.. and the person is not legal either..**** grow lights/equip. is not illegal****..
Damn here they advertise aerogardens on TV at our Countries biggest hardware store... they just don't say "pot"..
There being stealthy hehe :bigjoint:


yeah that's where shit get complicated cause in Cali it is legal and all that under state law but the feds are assholes and raid shit cause under federal law its all still illegal which the federal shouldn't be able to over rank the state cause its just stupid they have no rite to be fucking people over that haven't done anything wrong. but thats the us goverment for u they just can think and relize how much of a piece of bullshit they are


Well-Known Member
why do i see alot of u people saying i got raided i have been growing for years and not got busted once do u cover ur windows do you control the odor the lights that give out do u tell every one you see that ur growing how do people say that there nighbors are tell cops there is no way they can find u if ur not carefull


Well-Known Member
it doesnt even matter if a crime was committed. if they arent filing then they need to give you back your shit so long ias it is not illegal in and of itself.


Well-Known Member
So about a month ago my house got raided due to nosey neighbors. I have my doctors recommendation and all my plants were under the legal limit, and i had under the legal limit of dried medicine for the county in california that i live in. So they confiscated all my lights, fans, plants, dried meds, fans, etc. They called me back a few days later saying no charges were going to be pressed.

My next question would be do i get all my equipment back? Or would it still be considered evidence even though no charges were pressed? If someone could help me out that would be great. Thanks!

they need to return your medicine since no crime was committed. if you showed the police your medical documents & as you say you were within limits & they still took your medicine, i would press charges & suit them. the state law protects you in this regard.

hope you get your stuff back


Well-Known Member
Yea you gotta do somethin that stuff cost money and if your legal you shouldnt have to put up with it....


Well-Known Member
Next thing you do is cut your neighbors nose off and teach him not to stick it where it dont belong!

it would seem to me that maybe your neighbor & police broke the law somewhere by revealing & taking your medicine. the law protects you in this regard. look at the HIPAA laws & Civil Rights.

"The Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information, and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety."

"The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) promotes and ensures that people have equal access to and opportunity to participate in certain health care and human services programs without facing unlawful discrimination."

they wouldn't do this and get away with it if it were any other prescribed drug.

UCLA & Kaiser just got spanked for divulging medical information.


Active Member
it would seem to me that maybe your neighbor & police broke the law somewhere by revealing & taking your medicine. the law protects you in this regard. look at the HIPAA laws & Civil Rights.

"The Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information, and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety."

"The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) promotes and ensures that people have equal access to and opportunity to participate in certain health care and human services programs without facing unlawful discrimination."

they wouldn't do this and get away with it if it were any other prescribed drug.

UCLA & Kaiser just got spanked for divulging medical information.
absolutely get your shit back if no laws are broken why the hell not if the glove dont fit give him back his shitbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
They are legally required to return your equipment. (Or rather allow you to go pick it up) if they fail to do so they can be legally liable for it's replacement cost.

For some reason they are not legally required to return your medicine in any case nor are they obligated to pay for it's value when improperly seized.

Call NORML and see if they have someone you can talk to, they may refer you to a lawyer who's very familair with this type of thing. And if you aren't a member of NORML pay to become a member.


Active Member

in a case determined in my city of garden grove the police cannot hold your medicine and items relating to it if you have not committed a crime. as much as they like to, immediately time is of the essence get shit done.