House of Garden vs. Dutch Master


Well-Known Member
So your logic is ...if i don't post it is BS....Wow!!! U give me a lot of credit....Thanks buddy!..... I couldn't get a hold of anything quickly so i am not gonna spend hours for your sake........I figured you could do the work yourself....believe it....don't believe it...whatever.......since you are so interested in following me and bashing [FONT=&quot]House and Garden[/FONT] maybe you should find some facts and post would prove me right...... Then you might not want to.
You made this statement:

House and Garden is the cheapest to run of all the advanced nute schedules out there
You obviously don't have the figures for the competitors so how can you possibly make this claim???


Active Member
have the what ? for the who? The base nutes are $75 for 10 liters.......or about 2.5 gallons......You never use over 13ml a the very most.... in mid flower.........I know you like to use the simple stuff so.....I won't go into detail.....But I can tell you .....of all the complicated schedules....additives is the cheapest SCHEDULE to run........This probably won't apply to you since you don't believe in many of these products.....To each his own.....Since you like simplicity.....The base nutes.....Aqua Flakes A&B.... would be cheap for you to use....Peace


Well-Known Member
have the what ? for the who? The base nutes are $75 for 10 liters.......or about 2.5 gallons......You never use over 13ml a the very most.... in mid flower.........I know you like to use the simple stuff so.....I won't go into detail.....But I can tell you .....of all the complicated schedules....additives is the cheapest SCHEDULE to run........This probably won't apply to you since you don't believe in many of these products.....To each his own.....Since you like simplicity.....The base nutes.....Aqua Flakes A&B.... would be cheap for you to use....Peace
Again, where are your ppm values??? This is the 3rd time I've asked and if you can't back up your claims with facts, quit spamming misinformation.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow with DM. I went with Gold, but only recently added Zone to the mix. The nutes are terrific, it's me that needs to dial them in better. I am sure my next grow will be even better. Never tried H & G. My HPA education is from peeps uing DM One over a decade ago, and they were happy. What I like is how clean and clear they are; let's me see what's goin on in my rez.



Active Member
This is my first grow with DM. I went with Gold, but only recently added Zone to the mix. The nutes are terrific, it's me that needs to dial them in better. I am sure my next grow will be even better. Never tried H & G. My HPA education is from peeps uing DM One over a decade ago, and they were happy. What I like is how clean and clear they are; let's me see what's goin on in my rez.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it........but....I must say....H&G is very clean in the rez.......Peace


Well-Known Member
I want to switch from General Hydroponics to House and Garden I have read and heard nothing but good things about House and Garden. My local grow shop sells the whole set up for 150.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I like H&G. But I'm with homebrewer. Masonite is only a member of this site to promote H&G nutes. Should change your name to H&G stock holder. Not trying to be a dick. But if you're not actually gonna contribute anything other than why people should use H&G, expect to be called out.


Well-Known Member
House and Garden is not cheap where I live for the whole line to grow hydro run to waste the line up costs 158.00 out the door and please remember this is not Cali , not far away but not Cali none the less.


Active Member
I think the DM Zone and Hygrozyme pretty much do the same thing. Ive ran the DM Gold with hygrozyme, Great White, and Vit B-1. Plants would need extra in flowe,r which i was still bouncing around with the products i would use
what are you talking about Mcgician H&G is nowhere close to advanced nutrients in that sense. you just said something to mislead people into thinking DM is better. H&G destroys dutch master btw if any1 still cares. ive ran side by side and it wasnt even close. H&G has different base nutrients for soil hydro and such.. but all the secondary nutrients are the same.. there shooting powder and roots exc cant be matched.. ive never heard these 2 even be compared cause there not even on the same level. H&G is hands down the best IMO. ive ran advanced at the collective i worked at.. then they switched to H&G when they saw my results. even advanced couldnt come close in tests we did. dont give info if you dont know what your talking about.

  • "ive never heard these 2 even be compared cause there not even on the same level. But you say you have done a side by side comparison?? Idiot!!!​



Well-Known Member
I used DM Gold full line for a couple grows with what I thought were vg results. Then I tried Hydro-research VEG+BLOOM. Simple one step for V & B, blew away any result I had with DM. Alas, I have 5L of DM ONE that is being used on my lawn and outdoor plants (non mmj)


I used dutch master for a year in my DWC. It worked alright.... Switched to House & Garden- View attachment 2457577week 5 bloom of S D.......
This is the best nuts i used so far! amazing results!
The only thing i still use from Dutch is ZONE.
I currently use House of Garden but I've heard people say that Dutch Master is pretty good and I was wondering which nutrient is better between the two.

Please give me your input fellow brothers and sisters!
ive used D.M. for a long time and everything about it has been great ....high quality yields...very easy to use and a lot less expensive than H&G..i would use the max additives over the add27....try them both...but the results are arguable and max is a lot less money actually running H&G now for the first time.....and just from the cost alone i cant wait to get back on Dutch Master
To a noob or a brand fanatic the H&G line is "have to have" in it's entirety. However, I have been using H&G for years in coco (after switching from outdoor compost/worm organics and experimenting indoor side-by-side with GH and Canna) and have distilled it down to what is actually needed. I use their Cocos A&B, Roots Excelurator, Amino Treatment for veg. I also use drip clean to deal with salt build-up throughout the whole run and keep a bottle of magic green on hand for when the girls in veg need a little extra love. I also innoculate with endomycorrhizae when I transplant rooted clones (4.5"pots), when I transplant to 3gal pots, and once more when I flip to 12/12. This may be overkill for myco innoculations but all the mycorrhizae companies direct growers to innoculate with every feeding which is insane (but excellent marketing). For flower I use Cocos A&B, Amino Treatment (only first 2 weeks of flower or until upward growth slows), Multi Zen, Bud XL, Top Booster (only for 2 feedings), and Shooting Powder at the end before a short flush(Just a side note: I used to be one of those 10-14 day flushers before harvest but after a buddy put a bug in my ear about a 3 or 4 day flush I decided to give it a try. The results were incredible. My yield increased by 20-30% and the flavor and burn were still perfect after proper curing. I can't speak for other nutrient lines, but H&G are such high-quality salts that a flush longer than 5 days max is just pointless and wasted electricty). So I use most of their line but I cut out Magic Green, Roots Excelurator, and Amino Treatment for flower. This makes a $800 nute purchase really last (it's the additives that are costly, but you can use very little per gal). What it comes down to is being an informed grower. Sure, if you just follow the feeding chart, you end up spending way too much on H&G (and most other companies for that matter), but if you do your homework, keep a tight eye on your girls, and adjust nutes accordingly, you will be a success and see your profit margins soar. Know the science behind your art and you will be a more cost-efficient grower and produce larger crops of better buds no matter what line you're using. It's more important to know about why the plant needs different nutrients and what product contains what than to just latch on to a brand because it works. I use H&G because I've figured out how to get the best buds/yield at the best price with it. I'd imagine you can do the same with just about any of H&G's competitors. Although Canna is way too overpriced for it's concentration for me to even want to spend the time, money and effort.
I think the DM Zone and Hygrozyme pretty much do the same thing. Ive ran the DM Gold with hygrozyme, Great White, and Vit B-1. Plants would need extra in flowe,r which i was still bouncing around with the products i would use
Great white is a great product but way to expensive for what it is. In the US there is only one company that sources for endomycorrhizae additves and all the grow companies buy from them. Not that there isn't a difference among companies, but if it's water soluable and contains the fungi and bacteria you're looking for you're gold. You can spend a lot less by buying something without the brand recognition.


Well-Known Member
I've used both and I must say they are both great lines. There's really no wrong choice. I'm not sure which is cheaper. Neither are super expensive though. Roots Exceleratur from H&G is seriously no joke. It's one of the only hydroponic products that when you use it, you are really, really able to see what it does. With some other additives, I think we might convince ourselves a little bit. But who knows. Can't go wrong with either line though.

I'm not sure how I feel about H&G's Amino Treatment. It stains my roots a gross brown color. I know it's not rot, but I admit it makes me squeamish when I see my gorgeous pearly white roots turn brown. If the plants like it then ultimately it doesn't matter what color it turns the roots, but visually it's a bit difficult. I like DM's Silica which is similar but not quite the same as Amino Treatment

Otherwise both lines run pretty clean, H&G slightly more so. I had some salt buildup and residue on my equipment with DM. Not sure which product was causing it. H&G has a nice product called Drip Clean to deal with this. It constantly clears roots of any buildup. That's a good one too.

I have Liquid Light and Saturator but haven't used them yet. I don't think you can use those foliar sprays in flower, pretty sure they're for veg only.


I've been running General Hydro for my runs and I've been really happy with the results... I've recently started questioning their performance due to addition of the DM Liquid Light, Saturator, Zone and Silica. Liquid Light is no joke, you can see the plants jump up at the lights and reach up, the growth is better than I've experienced in the past. Great thing about Liquid Light is that you can mix any other nutrient with it and spray it with the lights on.

I don't know about you guys but my monthly cost of running my 8 plant hydro setup is about $100 in electricity and about $20 in nutes using expert flora formula from GH... plus the DM products I mentioned, granted I run LEDs but even with that cost saving the nutes are not even close in cost of electricity. So I don't care about the cost of nutes so long as it increases my yields per m² or per KW/hr.

GH, does a great job but with the results I've seen from DM line I am questioning if there is something better out there. DM has the University of Adelaide test their stuff, so you know it is good quality. What does HoG have to show for lab testing and results?

Oh and an FYI, Rapid Start from GH if the best rooting nutrient by far.


One more thing, what I've liked with GH and would hate to lose is their three part formula so I can adjust my nutrients to a higher degree. A&B formulas don't give you that flexibility so I am wondering how you guys do with various imbalances in nutes.

Also, I forgot I have a $20/month expense for CO2. So nutrients are only about 15% of my total monthly cost.