Housing outside 25 mile rule help.

150 $ fine for failure to report a change in information on your card and your card still protects you. No felonies crazies. People should really do themselves a favor and read the law that protects them and if you do not understand it ask or hire someone who does ie a lawyer not your stoner buddy and certai ly not some reclusive hoarder who spews their mental diarrhea all over the internet.

So what you are saying irire is that i CAN re-up my cultivation using a far away address, then if i get busted just pay the fine and head to court etc....and ill be more or less ok?
Or am i missing something? Dammit i just wanna cultivate for the next 3 years and im gone form AZ....just 3 more years and ill be GTG><
Great advise...
I would start by reading all the laws that pertain to signing an Attestation/Affidavit not just the AMMA which talks nothing about knowingly committing fraud and/or perjury. If your intent is to be "smarter" than the system go right ahead. I think you are better off growing with out a MMJ card. Why commit fraud or perjury? Those 2 are far worst than growing pot! WOW.

Hey don't take my word for it.. Talk to a lawyer about this one not your stoner buddy.
Well said hbdc the people on here stating that using a false address falls under the 150 dollar or whatever failure to report
a change are just plain ignorant. To start with it would completely nullify any protection the card gives you since it was fraudulently obtained and
you could then be prosecuted for growing or growing for sale intent to distribute etc.... I believe that when all the zones are filled and some time passes we will
see some of these cases.
Well said hbdc the people on here stating that using a false address falls under the 150 dollar or whatever failure to report
a change are just plain ignorant. To start with it would completely nullify any protection the card gives you since it was fraudulently obtained and
you could then be prosecuted for growing or growing for sale intent to distribute etc.... I believe that when all the zones are filled and some time passes we will
see some of these cases.

Which is what my spidey senses told me:)
No one is saying use a fake address but the morons crying felony and perjury (lol). What is even the point with you morons. If you move for one month to an adress outside 25 miles, get your card, get approved to cultivate. If after one month you move somewhere else and fail to report a change in address to dhs you are subject to a 150$ fine and your protection under your card is still valid. Go read the law, or for most of you posting go hire a lawyer. There is no fraud no perjury you are not even lying.
Is there REALLY a easy way to get this BULLSHYT 25 mile rule eradicated? It really only supports the clubs who sell patients SCAB OVERPRICED shab from cali? I mean its really STRENGTH in NUMBERS and if most of these LAZY fycks who CLAIM THEY LOVE THE LEAF just sign they name ona petition it could easily become overturned. Im originally from cali oakland and been in az for a while and all i see are CRY BABIES who have been hand fed all their life but AFRAID to stand up and make a change..This as the crow flies rule is really just the constant draconian rules az has been pushing for idk FOREVER stand UP speak out and DO SOMETHING..as a navy disabled vet i know i have been safe growing yall.
Sedona/Verde patients are already traveling to the Phoenix markets for their meds. That's a trek considering there is an operating dispensary in their backyard.
No one is saying use a fake address but the morons crying felony and perjury (lol). What is even the point with you morons. If you move for one month to an adress outside 25 miles, get your card, get approved to cultivate. If after one month you move somewhere else and fail to report a change in address to dhs you are subject to a 150$ fine and your protection under your card is still valid. Go read the law, or for most of you posting go hire a lawyer. There is no fraud no perjury you are not even lying.

If someone takes your advice they are twice as dumb as the idea...

Read the Arizona Revised Statutes (all of them) not just the AMMA mate! For your own sake and others. Or better yet take your own advise and go see a lawyer because I will bet you never did! Not in a million years would a lawyer worth his Salt say such a thing.

I call Shenanigans

Maybe you have no experience in the AZ Courts which is understandable coming from a non Arizonian!
That's why the unwritten motto of AZ has always been - "come on vacation leave on probation." I give it another year before you leave AZ like most visitors do!

I want to clear this one up - you are saying move to an address outside of the 25 mile zone of a dispensary. Get your authorization to cultivate. Then go move back within 25 miles of a dispensary but do not update your address. So in this process you need to change your Drivers License/ID which too has an attestation that you must sign. So not only are you calling for breaking the laws with the AMMA but also breaking the laws pertaining to your residence which is required by AZ Law to be updated within 10 days of a move. After signing several attestations to the validity of your application/s - you seriously think you will be afforded protection under the AMMA. Now that is some funny shit!

I would rather invoke my right under the Arizona Constitution which states - (Arizona Constitution Article 27, Section 2)

To preserve the freedoms of Arizonians to provide for their health:
A law or rule shall not compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer or health care provider to participate in any health care system.

Compel - includes penalties or fines.

Health Care System - means any public or private entity whose function or purpose is the management of, processing of, enrollment of individuals for or payment for, in full or in part, health care services or health care data or health care information for its participants.

Penalties or fines - means any civil or criminal penalty or fine, tax, salary or wage withholding or surcharge or any named fee with a similar effect established by law or rule by a government established, created or controlled agency that is used to punish or discourage the exercise of rights protected under this section.

Perjury is a class 4 felony in AZ

For example, it is not considered perjury to lie about one's age unless age is a factor in determining the legal result, such as eligibility for old age retirement benefits. Now since your residence is the factor to determine your legal protection under the AMMA it is considered perjury if you lie about your residence. See the difference? If residence did not give you added protection under the law I think you would be safe but it does give added protection. And this is where the written law violates Arizonian's right to provide for their Health Care. A person outside of this 25 mile zone has added protection oppose to someone within the 25 mile zone.
...if the pricing is consistent from here to there....
You won't need to boycott them. They are pricing themselves out of existence.
If someone takes your advice they are twice as dumb as the idea...

Read the Arizona Revised Statutes (all of them) not just the AMMA mate! For your own sake and others. Or better yet take your own advise and go see a lawyer because I will bet you never did! Not in a million years would a lawyer worth his Salt say such a thing.

I call Shenanigans

Maybe you have no experience in the AZ Courts which is understandable coming from a non Arizonian!
That's why the unwritten motto of AZ has always been - "come on vacation leave on probation." I give it another year before you leave AZ like most visitors do!

I want to clear this one up - you are saying move to an address outside of the 25 mile zone of a dispensary. Get your authorization to cultivate. Then go move back within 25 miles of a dispensary but do not update your address. So in this process you need to change your Drivers License/ID which too has an attestation that you must sign. So not only are you calling for breaking the laws with the AMMA but also breaking the laws pertaining to your residence which is required by AZ Law to be updated within 10 days of a move. After signing several attestations to the validity of your application/s - you seriously think you will be afforded protection under the AMMA. Now that is some funny shit!

I would rather invoke my right under the Arizona Constitution which states - (Arizona Constitution Article 27, Section 2)

To preserve the freedoms of Arizonians to provide for their health:
A law or rule shall not compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer or health care provider to participate in any health care system.

Compel - includes penalties or fines.

Health Care System - means any public or private entity whose function or purpose is the management of, processing of, enrollment of individuals for or payment for, in full or in part, health care services or health care data or health care information for its participants.

Penalties or fines - means any civil or criminal penalty or fine, tax, salary or wage withholding or surcharge or any named fee with a similar effect established by law or rule by a government established, created or controlled agency that is used to punish or discourage the exercise of rights protected under this section.

Perjury is a class 4 felony in AZ

For example, it is not considered perjury to lie about one's age unless age is a factor in determining the legal result, such as eligibility for old age retirement benefits. Now since your residence is the factor to determine your legal protection under the AMMA it is considered perjury if you lie about your residence. See the difference? If residence did not give you added protection under the law I think you would be safe but it does give added protection. And this is where the written law violates Arizonian's right to provide for their Health Care. A person outside of this 25 mile zone has added protection oppose to someone within the 25 mile zone.

Well said again hbdc it could however be argued that a person outside the 25 mile zone does not have special
privileges since everyone is permitted to live outside a 25 mile zone. Not saying I agree with that but it is a likely argument for them
to attempt. Certainly if one was going to make that argument after an arrest it would take lots of money to handle all the appeals but it may
work. I agree about the kid in the previous post spouting bullshit. Obviously he has little experience with the Az courts and you are correct a decent attorney would laugh at his statements or at least cringe.
Yeah to start off fuck the 25 mile rule. It really is set up for dispensary profit. Anyways a friend of mine actually consulted a lawyer about the 25 mile rule. He is a very serious cultivator. What he was informed is that the address the card is sent to is the address that must be verified for cultivation. He stated that this was enough to be authorized and that you could grow within the 25 mile zone. It seems like a loophole. However I have not read anything about getting authorized then moving back into the 25 mile zone. Does simply getting authorized allow you to grow anywhere its just the initial address that is screened to see if it qualifies? Also I don't think it would be fraud if you truly did get a residence outside the 25 mile zone and then moved ur shit back. What if you moved outside the zone, got verified, and then your house got sucked up by a tornado and you had to move back? You could have any number of reasons for moving back? home sick? none of that is a crime. Your allowed to move where you please the problem is updating your address. Not sure about that but if its just a small fine that wouldnt be bad..
Yeah to start off fuck the 25 mile rule. It really is set up for dispensary profit. Anyways a friend of mine actually consulted a lawyer about the 25 mile rule. He is a very serious cultivator. What he was informed is that the address the card is sent to is the address that must be verified for cultivation. He stated that this was enough to be authorized and that you could grow within the 25 mile zone. It seems like a loophole. However I have not read anything about getting authorized then moving back into the 25 mile zone. Does simply getting authorized allow you to grow anywhere its just the initial address that is screened to see if it qualifies? Also I don't think it would be fraud if you truly did get a residence outside the 25 mile zone and then moved ur shit back. What if you moved outside the zone, got verified, and then your house got sucked up by a tornado and you had to move back? You could have any number of reasons for moving back? home sick? none of that is a crime. Your allowed to move where you please the problem is updating your address. Not sure about that but if its just a small fine that wouldnt be bad..
This is what I am talking about. Atleast one person can understand.

On another note. More than one lawyer I have talked to dont think the equal protection arguement will hold any sway in court. I am unsure but I would like to relay their opinions. They say that the program in itself (the entire amma) by the same logic is the same violation of principle by granting only those persons whom meet certain criterea a privilege while denying those who dont meet said criterea of that same privilege. Basically they are saying that just as certain people are not authorized to cultivate, certain people are denied mmj cards and only certain people whom meet certain criterea may be caregivers or dispensary agents. Personally I see a distinction but this is quite a cogent argument. Lets say this argument based upon equal protection does not hold any weight? What is plan b or a next course of action? These are things to think about if a ballot initiative becomes the sole option as it takes a great deal of time and organization. Just some points worth mentioning.