How 2 keep animals away


Well-Known Member
im gettin ready for my summer grow. im gettin my clones within the next 2 weeks and wana have them about 2-3 feet tall by sometime in april probably the end of april. so heres the issue ive had when i do this and grow in the woods. i plant my already big and green plant and vegatation around it is still pretty much dead so animals suck as dear see this nice green plant and eat away. ive heard that pissin on the plant or around it works. but i know that whereever i piss outside my dog goes over to it and pissin on that spot so i dont want reverse affects and have every animal in the woods pissin on my plants.:mrgreen: thats truly the one good thing about havin a plant close to your house though, you dont have to worry about dear eatin it because there scared of humans so they stay away. but other then chicken wire or fencing does anyone have a proven way that works?
peace rollitup


Well-Known Member
cut up a bar of soap throw it around. or go to the barber shop and ask if you can take some hair clippings. tell em its for compost or something. then spread that shit around. smells like humans so deer and rabbits wil stay away


Well-Known Member
really? i actually have a fuck load of hair.been growin it for like 4 years and ive been planing on a big hair cut. so that might work out. makes sense


Well-Known Member
Coyote urine...keeps deer, rabbit and other little rodents away. You will have to spray before you plant on a rainy day or when the snow is melting. Then once a week for say a month, after that once a month should work as a reminder.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but it does worry me that it might attract some coyote to the area so I always bring some protection.


Well-Known Member
I have a few tricks that work most of the time.

I use human & dog shit,after i pick where the gardens are going to be i start eating alot of red meat & feeding raw red meat to my dogs then start throwing it around the garden area so any deer know there are carnivours in the area,i bring fresh turds every time i visit & throw more around & smear it on trees about 6ft off the ground so they can get the scent easier,i also piss as high up on trees as i can.

I also like to use fishing line,take a couple spools of fishing line,cut it into 20ft lengts & wrap it all over the place at different heights,if a deer hits that shit they get scared as hell & run off,the 20 ft lenghts are so if a deer does tangle in the line it wont take all of it with them when it runs off & your still protected.

I also use deer whistles that are for putting on your car to scare them from jumping in front of your car,take some zip ties with you & strap a bunch to trees in the area,if a breeze hits them they wistle lightly.

If you keep enough things in the area that spook wildlife they soon learn not to linger in the area.