How about a 'dislike' button????????

no i think you're jumping the gun honey, we dont ban people right away, if you are reported for something you post, we check into it, we will edit, or delete the post if deemed inappropriate such as calling another member a fucking looser asshole who you wanna kill, ect ect things like that. Then if you continue to post suchs obscenities, we will warn you a few times or so , then we will throw out the ban hammer, we are quite nice people, so we give everyone fair chance.

As for the pics not being able to upload, it's a slight issue and we are working on it please enjoy this FREE website, which we provide you with.
If you're having issues posting photos possibly this thread could help you
If you are still having issues after viewing the photos/tutorial in that thread please contact me and I will assist you further or report (good report) that you are having issues posting photos

Lol, "a few times", kkkkaaaay!
no i think you're jumping the gun honey, we dont ban people right away, if you are reported for something you post, we check into it, we will edit, or delete the post if deemed inappropriate such as calling another member a fucking looser asshole who you wanna kill, ect ect things like that. Then if you continue to post suchs obscenities, we will warn you a few times or so , then we will throw out the ban hammer, we are quite nice people, so we give everyone fair chance.

As for the pics not being able to upload, it's a slight issue and we are working on it please enjoy this FREE website, which we provide you with.
If you're having issues posting photos possibly this thread could help you
If you are still having issues after viewing the photos/tutorial in that thread please contact me and I will assist you further or report (good report) that you are having issues posting photos

Didn't become nice when I posted a link that happen to be for another forum got my privaligies banned permanently, nice "fair" warning.
The voted on this once in the early days. There was a post about staying just with the "like". Click like to agree, and dislike to disagree.

I'm kidding, of course. But sure dislike could be abused. You have to troll someone to be a troll, and then you'll be discovered. You can make a few innocent posts with some account, and go around disliking everything someone says.

Also, people will see "Dislikes (nnn)" and have no idea of the context of those dislikes. They do the same with likes, but it is different than the instant negativity.