how am i doin. pics.


Active Member
Ive been growing these bagseed plants for a month now, a very slow growing process at the beginning but they have starting growing at a much faster rate since i transplanted them into bigger containers.
they were originally planted in miracle gro pot mix then transplanted them into 50%compost and 50%potting mix with a ph level of 6.7
i bought the proper lights for these plants half way through the process due to lack of research, and now have 2, 2700k 26-100 watt equivelant cfls above each one and 1, 23 watt 3500k cfl in between the plants, and two tube fluorescent lights surrounding the plants.



Well-Known Member
u really should have planted them in seperate containers.....but looking good so far

also....cfl's work better horizontal....look at making reflectors and placing them at somewhat of an angle


Well-Known Member
they look good but a little small.

the CFLs should not only be mounted sideways with a reflector (see the GrowFAQ for making a soda can CFL reflector) and they should be a lot closer to the plants than they look like they are...

also, notice how the plant is leaning towards the bulb? this is one reason why they should be in their own pots... so you can spin em 90 degrees each day and keep the growth even... since you are in the one pot, add some more CFLs and put them on the other sides of the plants.

they look happy and healthy though :D


Well-Known Member
Your plants seem to be doing well. Congrats. If your set on using CFLs, I would get a higher temp rating like 6500k. What are your plans for when you need to transplant? They'll definitely outgrow that little box and you'll need better lighting conditions.
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Well-Known Member
also since you CFLS are either 2700k or 3500k, you should invest in some CFLS that are 5000k or 6500k. those are emitting more blue spectrum which will definitely help it grow in the veg state. the ones you have now are great for the flowering process.


Well-Known Member
Keep it up. Looking gd so far, like other people said i'd try and change the bulbs so they where horizontal. Started out with mine just hanging like that, but changed things a bit so they are now horizontal. You could always make reflector like has been suggested. But i found it easier to just ajust things abit so my bulbs where the other way. Gd luck with your grow.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for your input. I will start working at my setup when i get home from work tonight. and as for what I plan on doing when they get bigger, I was really planning on growing them entirely in that container, and if one turns out female and on male , ill remove the male, making more room for the female to grow, if thier both female, i will try to put the lights on the other side of each plant so they somewhat grow in the opposite direction.


Well-Known Member
Would still be a good idea to get a few more lights if possible your plants would proberly really benifit from it. After all you can get a 20watt cfl bulb for under £5 here in the UK.

Thanks everyone for your input. I will start working at my setup when i get home from work tonight. and as for what I plan on doing when they get bigger, I was really planning on growing them entirely in that container, and if one turns out female and on male , ill remove the male, making more room for the female to grow, if thier both female, i will try to put the lights on the other side of each plant so they somewhat grow in the opposite direction.


Active Member
oh and the seperate pot thing, I realize that was a mistake now but would simply moving the lights to each side of the plant each day work in a similar way?


Well-Known Member
the reason for seperate pots is so the root dont tangle each other..... just like a mother having is larger than the other because one using more nutrients than the other.....