:) how am i doin? shes a beauti w/pics


Active Member
hello peeps :) how are u today? :) i took the advice of a fellow rollitupper and bent the top of my baby shes still looks ok to me :blsmoke: i lost track of weeks (dont ask long story) but i think she has about 3 weeks left i think?? lol the tips of most of the hairs are startin to change a goldy yellow :mrgreen: im so happy shes my baby and she looks to be doin well :mrgreen: BUT i could be wrong :cry: so here is where i ask for your comments or advise or if u agree and shes doin ok jus let me know :peace: thank u :joint: and happy :blsmoke:ing lol



Well-Known Member
hi spliff its hard to see can you tern yor light off and put a room light on? and take the pics? thay will come out lots beter for it,,thanks:peace:


Active Member
don't prune........don't prune........yes i am in the don't prune camp. how would you like it if i kept cutting off your toes when you were a kid.......actually it does hurt there growth imo. looks like your light was high up early on, but looks nice otherwise. should get some nice harvest. next time i woiuld start training earlier. that way the stuff you cut off would be producing, and thats the key to it all.