How am I doing?


Popped out of the ground on January 1st and I knew it was going to be big based on just the first week of growth!. We are 6 foot tall today! Lots of bud sites, but I'm doing a lot of reading and noticing a tall plant is not desirable? The buds looks really good to me, what do you think? She has been in flower for about 3 or 4 weeks now. Growing medium is soil, lighting is 3 different 65 watt lights, always angled towards the leaves.



Well-Known Member
Definately sativa looking. Nothing i find undesirable about that.
You should get more light in there


Well-Known Member
You got yourself a sativa!

I agree, get more light in there seeing as you still have a couple MONTHS still to go. Plenty of time.


Under 200w 6ft plants barely work. Bottom 5ft gets hardly any light. More light definitely, scrog style. All good practice though some people can't get that far :weed: