How am I looking (30days left)

IMG_3658.PNG bag seed I planted
Growing in 20x30"box (no room)
Growing in a 9" pot.
Only 16" tall
Topped long ago
Roughly 30 days left.
Any help or ideas or comments would help
View attachment 4254559 bag seed I planted
Growing in 20x30"box (no room)
Growing in a 9" pot.
Only 16" tall
Topped long ago
Roughly 30 days left.
Any help or ideas or comments would help
I wouldn't top in the future unless it is needed, like if you know height is an issue, because that's why your plant is so short.
Next time use 3 gallon pots, and try to grow 3 plants minimum.
Depending on where you live or who you live with, ya gotta do better than a box though.
Next year, buy some good fem seed, get a decent light, grow 3 plants minimum and continue on.
Hey, the plants alive and looks happy now, and in 4 weeks you can harvest and burn that bitch. :)
Once the hairs are mostly brown on your bud, cut and hang the whole plant then trim off the somewhat dry bud and put on top of a radiator (Cable box/Receiver) to finish.
It will take around 7 day's at 50% humidity before it is burnable.
I wouldn't wait for a proper cure with a plant that small, but you'll get stoned and hopefully had fun in the process.
Merry Christmas
Plant looks great, I dont notice any deficiencies or burn of nutes. No space no problem keep em small if you have to. I know how that works. If shes growing to much then pinch the stems that are stretching, so called supper cropping, however you might be to late into flower at this time.

My advice is do what you're doing looks good, only thing I see wrong is temp try keep her at 78 light on and lowest 68 light off. Maybe lower light she looks like she wants more light, perky leaves tells me shes asking for more.

Happy Holidays, but I'd say Merry Christmas! :weed::weed:
Plant looks incredible, I dont see any insufficiencies or consume of nutes. No space no issue keep em little on the off chance that you need to. I know how that functions. In the event that shes developing to much, squeeze the stems that are extending, supposed dinner editing, anyway you may be to late into blossom as of now.

My recommendation is do what you're doing looks great, just thing I see wrong is temp attempt keep her at 78 light on and most reduced 68 light off. Perhaps lower light she seems as though she needs increasingly light, peppy leaves lets me know shes requesting more.

Merry Christmas, however I'd state Merry Christmas!