How are fruity smelling plants bred?


Well-Known Member
I've tried blueberry and strawberry weed before. What do these people do? Cross blueberry genetics with cannabis?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member's just the miracle plant itself and the varied terpenes that are present within it that exhibit differently from strain to strain.

All the flavors of the rainbow...

bt dt


Well-Known Member's just the miracle plant itself and the varied terpenes that are present within it that exhibit differently from strain to strain.

All the flavors of the rainbow...

bt dt
you said "terpenes". i recently purchased "the big book of buds 3", there is a big section about terpenes. how they may have more effects than priviously thought. think aroma therapy. each plant has it's own unique mix of oils. these oils have been know to have different effects on us. you ever smell something that triggers a memory. do you "feel" the memory. i have. i can get the book out. i wanted to do this a few weeks ago but i didn't think everyone was ready to hear it yet. it is rather interesting. :peace::joint::joint: